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Your words penetrate deeper
Than any Sword,Arrow or Gun
More lethal than any poison
Spreads faster than a virus in me
Affects Me Psychologically,Physically
Emotionally and Spiritually till date
You didn't filter or Use them wisely
Anger Conquered You completely
Now am hurt and dying Partially!

You apologized but it's too late
Have consumed and absorbed it
It's what flows in my blood streams
What my heart pumps day and night
Circulates in my veins and arteries
It's the poison you fed my ears
That torments my heart and brain
A cancer that has gradually spread
Through out my system,killing me in bits!

I wish you knew the pain,wounds and scars
It has left all over me my beautiful body
You wouldn't wish to see,smell or touch
Let me be your first and last victim
Spare the rest and be more human to them!


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