Flex Seal and penetration

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It was a normal day like any other. You sat on the couch, in front of the TV, watching Shrek the Third on repeat for the past five hours. You loved that your boyfriend Shrek got to be in not one, not two, but three films starring him. You've watched the fourth one, but it just didn't resonate with your inner spirit. You enjoyed every bit of Shrek the Third, relishing in each frame of Shrek's face, skin, and beautiful phallic ears.

Just then, you heard a knock at the door. Was it your beautiful green ogre lover coming from a long day at his gorgeous, pest-ridden swamp? You eagerly run to the door in glee and open it up with the enthusiasm of a toddler discovering the delicious brown treat in their potty.

But much like that same toddler who just discovered that it was not, in fact, a tasty treat, you were disappointed to see it was not Shrek at all!

It was your ex-boyfriend and Shrek's arch-nemesis, Phil Swift. Your face instantly turns into one of shock as you yell at his face. "What are you doing here!?" You shout at him.

You step back as he walks in and closes the door. "I wanna show you how much you mean to me. I didn't want to hurt you like I did..."

"You cheated on me with Jake from State Farm!"

"Well how could I not!? You've seen is immaculate khakis. And you were messing around with Gru during our entire relationship!" Phil's accusations of cheating hurt you inside. How could you explain you were just friends with him?

Phil ignored you as you went on and on about how you hadn't done anything with Gru at all. You could tell this conversation wasn't going to go anywhere, so you got fed up and pointed to the door, gesturing for him to leave. "Listen, Shrek will be here any minute, so you better get out of here or else."

But he didnt listen, instead he inched closer and closer to you, lifting your chin up so your eyes would meet his. You gazed at each other, and you remembered what made you fall for him in the first place.

He bent down and whispered softly into your ear. "Or else what~?" Phil had sent shivers down your spine. He knew what he was doing.

"I-I don't know..." He backed his face up and looked you in the eyes once again. You closed yours and leaned in your face towards his. Your lips met his, and you kissed each other softly. You enjoyed the feeling of his soft but non-existent lips.

You opened your mouth ever so slightly, and he shoved his tongue into your mouth. He licked every nook and cranny, and you savored the faint but intoxicating taste of flex seal. You pulled away to catch your breath. "W-we can't do this, Shrek could be here any second now!" You panted.

He grabbed your hips and shoulder and pinned you down on the couch. He caressed every inch of your body, from your neck to your hips. You moaned slightly at his gentle touch. He grabbed the hem of your bottoms and slid them down. He touched your thigh softly and bent down to whisper in your ear again. You loved when he did that.

"Turn around and put that ass up." He demanded. You did what you were told and turned around, laying on your stomach.

He ripped your underwear off and took off his underwear and jeans, exposing his 12 inch, throbbing cock. He slowly inserted it into your asshole, inch by inch, until the full length of his shaft was inside of you. You took a deep breath, for you knew what was coming.

He pulled back, and thrusted length inside of you. He did it repeatedly, getting faster and faster with each movement. You moaned loudly, slightly in pain. His cock ruptured and tore your asshole, and continued slamming himself harder and faster into you. Your intestines and anus were completely destroyed.

He pounded harder than you've ever felt before. You moaned so loud and so hard, you forgot how good it felt when Phil did this to you.

Not long after your ass had become subject to this torture, he released a fat load of a flex seal-cum mixture inside you. "That's a lot of damage!" He shouted.


After some time, you cleaned yourselves up and got dressed. "This is between us, okay?" You said to Phil Swift.

"My lips are sealed with the power of flex tape!"

Phil Swift walked out the door and you never saw him again.

Oh yeah also Shrek was actually there the whole time jacking off in the closet but we wont talk about that.

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