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   As we were done with arranging our things, we had our bath then I changed into a sweatpant and sweatshirt and still left my hair tied up in a ponytail.

      I decided to go to the kitchen to get drinking water but the sight I met was unexpected.
I was shocked to see Alexander leaning on the counter with his eyes fixed on his phone.

Let's get this over with,he won't even notice I'm here.
who am I kidding?

      As I opened the refrigerator, he looked up from his phone and smiled.

Well, I definitely wasn't expecting that.

"Hi."he said with a smile as he came forward.
"Hey" I  replied with a small voice not even sure I was using the right word.

"Finally, I have caught you alone."he say smirking as he moved closer.

"I...I ..I don't understand."I stammered moving backward as he continued moving forward then I hit my back on the wall.
What the hell is going on?!

"Don't" I said as I closed my eyes.

I'm very sure I'm trembling right now.

Suddenly, he started laughing out loud and I opened my eyes slowly,my face was so flushed from embarrassment and I started feeling hot.
I couldn't stop praying for the floor to open up and swallow me.

As I quickly opened the door to go outside, he called my name.

Hell! Why do I strangely like the way my name rolled off his tongue.

"Wait,Emily you forgot something."he said.
Oh, I forgot the bottled water.
He walked up to me in quick strides and handed the bottled water to me.

"Sorry about that, couldn't resist." he said with a knowing grin.

"Appology accepted."I said in a low voice with an obvious blush on my face.

"I will see you around then and nice to meet you Emily."he said and left and I wish I could wipe off that dirty smirk from his face.

I quickly went to the room but as I got to the door, I used my hand to fan my face because I was feeling very hot and bothered.

As I got inside the room, I quickly lay down on the bed and covered my face with the blanket but It didn't help my situation at all.

oh God I'm turning red.

"What's wrong?" Steph asked as she removed the blanket from my face.

"Nothing." I answered smiling.

"Where were you?" She asked giving me that suspicious look.
"Just outside."I replied trying to look normal so she won't catch up with my lie.

"Well, just want to tell you that in two minutes time we are going downstairs to the game room to play some games with the guys."
"Oh,okay go ahead I am coming."I replied as I got up to go to the bathroom to recollect myself.

I know I have always had a crush on Alexander but we have never spoken before.
More like,we have never had any reason to do so.

As I sat up, I started thinking of what happened.

"He even knows my name."I said to myself as I quickly went into the attached bathroom and washed my face then I cleaned it with a towel and applied face powder, took my phone and started heading downstairs.

As I was heading downstairs, my phone rang and when I saw the caller ID I was nothing but happy.
It was Jayden,my boyfriend.
I picked the call smiling to myself.

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