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"That's a lot of blood..." 
"That's not good..."

"I think that's more than a little cut."

"You're looking rather pale."

"You're bleeding!"

"That doesn't look good..." "I don't think that's suppose to come out."

"That's a bit of an interesting angle for that to go at."
"How do I get it to stop?!"

"How are you still standing?!"

"Don't get up, you'll make it worse."

"What happened to you?"

"I can't feel my fingers anymore..."

"Everything hurts."

"Is everything supposed to go dark?"

"Ow, yeah, okay, that's starting to hurt."

"It's just a cut."

"I've had worse."

"You're bleeding all over my floor!"

"You better not die on me."

"They got a lucky shot..."

"Next time don't call me to come over only to find you in a pool of your own blood!"

"You need to keep pressure on it."

"Don't move!"

"That looks nasty."

"Am I dying?"

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