The speeding speedster

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Ok, soooo. This takes place after season 2 of Young Justice but Wally isn't dead, Nightwing didn't leave the team, Aqualad is back on the team and the mountain is still there. I've never written anything like this before but I've read a ton of these. This is my first ever fanfiction and I have no idea what I'm doing. So here goes nothing.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Wally was late.....again. He was supposed to meet Artemis at the Park in Happy Harbor and go to the mountain after. Man Artemis would be so mad if he got there late and they had to skip their date.....again.

Even if it wasn't his fault. This time. Ok it was partially his fault. He wanted to visit Dick at his apartment in Bludhaven. The only problem with that was that Dick wasn't there because he was at his job working. Despite having agreed with Wally to meet. Ok maybe Wally mixed up the date but still.

The worst part about it was that Wally came to Bludhaven with his car which honestly doesn't sound that bad. But he would be so much faster with his superspeed that he couldn't use because he had a bet with Artemis. He basically wasn't allowed to use his superspeed for a whole week except on missions of course. He thought about calling of the bet and just dumping his car in Bludhaven but that probably wouldn't be a great idea. Because of Bludhaven being the second most crime ridden city after Gotham and all. He probably wouldn't see his car anytime soon or ever again.

So here he was driving through Bludhaven probably way faster than the speed limit allows but hey he could run faster than that. He was driving as fast as he could to get to his date with Artemis in time or at least the meeting at the mountain when a police car pulled him over. Two people exited the police car. One of which Wally recognised as Dick Grayson aka Nightwing.

The two officers came to his car and the officer who was not Dick began to speak: "Hello Sir my name is officer Amy Rohrbach and this is my partner officer Grayson. Do you know why I pulled you over?" "Because you noticed my awesomeness from afar and wanted to take a closer look at me?" Wally joked. The officer frowned at that answer and said with a stiff smile obviously trying to stay calm: "No, because you were driving way over the speed limit. Please take your drivers licence out and show it to me!". He did as he was told because he was already late and didn't want to miss the team building exercise Aqualad and Nightwing had prepared. Even when the latter wasn't there either because he was busy doing his job. Also he did not want to anger officer Rohrbach even more. He was in all honesty kind of scared of her. She reminded him of Artemis.

When Wally couldn't find his licence after two minutes he asked the officer if she couldn't just let it go this once and let him drive on because he had an important meeting soon she simply replied with a stern "no". At this Wally just glared at Dick who grinned like an idiot and just shrugged. After a few more minutes he finally found his licence, gave it to officer Rohrbach and asked: "Can you please hurry up I have an important meeting and I am already late". Officer Rohrbach replied that first of all that was hardly her fault and second his drivers licence was out of date and therefore invalid. Now Wally was kind of freaking out and very annoyed. He turned to the grinning idiot of a Dick Grayson and he said:" Ohh come on Dick, seriously?" Which apparently Amy Rohrbach did not take so kindly, she told Wally that enough is enough. She said to him infuriated „You sir have not only driven way above the speed limit, and that without any kind of identification but you've also been incredibly rude to me and my coworker, insulted an officer and on top of that wasted my time. You will be coming back to the precinct where you can expect a fine that you will either pay of there right away or you'll have to call someone to get you and pay it for you!" The outburst took Wally by surprise. He tried to protest but eventually he realized that it was better to just listen to officer Rohrbach.

So he got in the police car with officer Rohrbach, while the little Dick (pun intended) got into Wallys car in order to drive it somewhere where it wouldn't be immediately stolen. With one last glare at Dick, who by the way was still wearing his signature sh!it eating grin, the drove of. New destination: the police station of Bludhaven.

Artemis was furious. Wally had missed their date.......... again. This was the ...... ugh she didn't even know how many times he forgot or was late. She lost count after the first dozen times. After she had waited for Wally at the park for almost an whole hour, she was tired of waiting and just went to the mountain without Wally. Even with leaving early without Wally she was still last to arrive at the mountain for the team building exercise. Everyone was already there. Well everyone except Wally. (And Dick, but at least he had called to tell her that Nightwing would be a bit late and that they could begin without him)

„Finally!" Bart exclaimed when she arrived, only to look very disappointed when he realized that she was alone and that they still had to wait for Wally. They tried to call him a couple of times but to no avail. Artemis didn't think that would work anyways. She had tried that as well earlier that day. After several minutes and Wally being almost half an hour late they gave up. That doesn't mean that they started the team building exercise without him, ooohhh nooo. After those thirty minutes they weren't trying to contact him anymore. They were trying to figure out why he was late and there were some pretty interesting theories. In the middle of a discussion wether or not Wally had been kidnapped by a secret organization named after a greek monster, had his arm taken and replaced with a metal one and been brainwashed by said organization, Artemis' phone rang. It was an unknown number.

„Hello? Who is there?", She asked annoyed. The answer, although full of stutter was immediate. „Heyyyyyy, Artemis, love of my life......". She interrupted him before he could finish the sentence: „Wally?, where the f!ck are you? You were supposed to be here over an hour ago. What the heck did you do? And where are you calling me from? This isn't your number.". There was a short pause at the other end of the line and Wally's  next words were spoken quietly and carefully: „I'm calling you from theee... Umm.. the Bludhaven Police department". „What. Did. You. Do?" these words were spoken dangerously slow. There was only Silence on the on Wallys end. „You know what?, I don't even want to know", Artemis exclaimed. „I'm just going to call Nightwing and ask him to get you, if we're lucky he's still in Bludhaven." And with that she hung up before Wally could say another word. (Not that he had really participated in the conversation other than telling Artemis where he was)

Wally was so done with this first he was arrested, then he got chewed out by Artemis and now he had to look at an absolute Dick answer his phone to someone who was very likely Artemis sounding sorry for DICK because he had to pick Wally  up from the police station. This was Dicks fault not Wallys! He couldn't hear most of the conversation the former boy wonder had with Artemis but from what he could make out it sounded like Artemis was thanking DICK for picking Wally up although Dick had already been on his way to the mountain. And oh come on, Dick had barely made it out the door before he got the call. Wally had seen him turn around. Also Wally was a bit offended that Dick was willing to just leave him at the police station (Although he was already offended that Dick would ARREST him. So it didn't matter so much).  ALSO, DICK WAS THE REASON WHY HE HAD BEEN ARRESTED IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Anyway, the next thing Wally really could remember was sitting in a car next to Dick and driving to mount justice or well driving to the next zeta tube. Well, he could remember what happened but he really was too busy glaring at Dick, who by the way was still grinning like a maniac, to remember any details. On the car ride to the next zeta tube the only thing that Wally said was: „I hate you". To which Dick just replied with: „No you don't".

When they arrived at the zeta tube Wally had already forgiven Dick. And when the other team members asked Wally what happened he just said that some Dick arrested him for speeding. To which Nightwing just smiled. When Artemis asked Dick later that day for a further explanation the only thing she got for an reply was: „I love my job". Which pretty much explained everything to her.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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