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"Malfoy..." Dahlia gasps, using her hand to force his head up from her neck. 

"Mhm?" He responds, resealing his mouth just underneath of her ear. His hips continue slowly rocking into hers, her dress bunched up around her waist.

"We can't...I'm...We're..." Dahlia stutters, unable to form a coherent sentence.

He detaches his mouth from her body and rests his forehead against hers, eyes flaming. "Spit it out Dahlia."

"We can't fuck on top of the astronomy tower!" Dahlia blurts out.

She feels a laugh shake his body slightly. "You really are something else when you're drunk. Also bold of you to assume I was going to fuck you." What?

Dahlia shoves hard at his chest and scoots out from under him enough to sit up and pull her dress back down. "God I should have known." Malfoy makes an offended sound at her statement.

She unsteadily clambers to her feet and starts running her fingers up into her hair. 

"Dahlia what are you on about?" Draco asks, still sitting on the ground and looking noticeable confused yet still his usual relaxed self.

"What am I on about? Oh it is just like you to once again start this and then end it. I should have known. I can't believe I was this stupid to try this again," Dahlia spits out, scanning the platform for her shoes before remembering she left them at the bottom of the stairs. 

"Dahlia! What in the bloody hell are you talking about?" Draco yells after her, following as she heads over to the door of the stairs.

She whips around on her heel before he can grab her arm and do it himself, jabbing a pointed nail into the center of his chest "Whatever sort of commitment issues or daddy issues or whatever the hell it is that you're dealing with that stops us every time we do this...they are not my problems and I refuse to continue to fall victim to them for a third time."

With Malfoy stuck in a stunned silence at her words, Dahlia takes this opportunity to make her escape down the never ending flight of stairs. Going down while still tipsy is much more difficult than going up, that's for certain.

"Oh I can't wait to tell Nott about this," Dahlia mutters to herself as she tugs her boots back on at the base of the stairs. She heard no footprints following after her so Malfoy must have stayed up in the tower.

Dahlia walks with purpose through the typical Friday night deserted halls until she finds herself back at the door to the boys dorm. She knocks, praying that Draco didn't, like, apparate himself here or something.

The door swings open and Nott stands there wearing his pajamas. "Dahlia?"

"Is anyone else here?" Dahlia asks, attempting to glance around him.

"No, why?" I thought you-" Nott begins but Dahlia cuts him off.

She shoves past him and into the room, saying "I'm coming in. Shut the door."

Nott does as she commands and closes the door behind them, resting his back against it and eyeing Dahlia wearily. She catches a glimpse of herself in the mirror on the wall only to realize how she must look. Her backside is dirty from the floor, her dress is wrinkled around the waist, and her hair is a flaming wild mess.

"It's not what it looks like. I didn't fuck him," Dahlia says. Shit, she must still be more drunk than she realized. 

"Dahlia..." Nott scrubs his face with his hands.

"No, listen. Get a load of this, really. So I traipsed all the way up those fucking stairs to that tower and then blah blah blah I got some answers and we made nice, right? Well we were basically hooking up and I said something about how we couldn't fuck in the astronomy tower and he said it was BOLD OF ME TO ASSUME HE WAS GOING TO FUCK ME ANYWAYS?" Dahlia throws her hands up in the air in exasperation. "What the FUCK does that even mean?"

Nott waves his wand after grabbing it off the table next to one of the beds, casting a silencing charm Dahlia assumes. She must have been yelling. Oops.

"Dahlia..." Nott says again.

"THEODORE NOTT DO NOT SAY MY NAME ONE MORE TIME! Spit it out, whatever it is that you're not wanting to say!" Dahlia yells.

"I can't believe I'm about to have this conversation with you," Nott sighs, sliding down the door until he's sitting firmly on the floor. "There's simply nothing I love more than talking about my best mate's sex life."

"Nott. Does it look like I care whether you want to talk about this or not? Get on with it!" Dahlia waves her hand to urge him on. 

"That wasn't Draco saying that he wasn't ever planning to have sex with you. He's...old fashioned." Nott drops his head into his hands, massaging at his temples.

"And what exactly does that mean? Because when he said it, it certainly did not sound like a good thing." Dahlia arches her eyebrows.

"It means...oh for fucks means that he wasn't going to fuck you before you two did anything else. Mostly that he wasn't going to fuck you before getting you off several times before that," Nott groans. "Most girls think he's a real gentleman in that way, that is."

Dahlia feels her cheeks flaming to a color near her hair. "Oh. Oh no."

"What do you mean oh no?" Nott finally lifts his head to look her in the eyes.

Dahlia slaps a hand over her mouth. "I just read him an entire riot act after he made that comment. Oh my...oh fuck. I was such a bitch!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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