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And do something about it he did. Still carrying Dahlia with her legs wrapped around his waist, he backtracked towards his bed, then spun and chucked her onto it so that she landed on her back. She sprawled out and propped herself up on her elbows, watching as he stood at the end of the bed and looked at her hungrily.

"What are you waiting for?" Dahlia asks.

His eyes roam from her head to her does and back again, making her self conscious of the fact that her legs are spread open. "Just making sure you don't have any second thoughts."

Dahlia can't help but roll her eyes. "Good grief, Draco. Take off that sweatshirt and get the hell back up here."

"Demanding, aren't you?" He smirks and does as she requests, pulling his sweatshirt up and over his head before letting it fall to the floor.

"I know what I want," Dahlia says, using his earlier words against him. 

He climbs up onto the bed and slowly crawls up towards her. His bed is absolutely massive, even more so than it looks from the outside. He extends his hand, still standing on his knees. Dahlia takes it and he pulls her to her knees as well so their fronts are pressed together again.

"I'm taking this off now," Draco growls, and then reaches behind her to yank the string holding her dress on her body.

As soon as she feels the back loosen, he grabs the hem and pulls it up and over her head. Dahlia almost lets out a sigh of relief as she sees her miniscule bit of functioning magic conjured her up a nice matching set of underwear to go with her magicked dress.

Draco, for his part, actually does sigh. Well, halfway between a sigh and a groan, and so low that Dahlia thinks it came out on accident. His eye color flickers to an even more blinding silver as he looks her over, and she feels the trails of icy fire wherever his eyes roam.

"Merlin's beard," He spits out, her dress still clutched in his now clenched fist. "Can I touch you?"

Dahlia can tell she is now gaining the upper hand, making her heart race. "Touch me? Why would you want to do a thing like that? I thought we'd just strip down and play a nice game of cards..."

She takes advantage of his confused state by shoving him over with a hand to his chest. Once he's flat on his back, she flings a knee over so that she is straddling his waist. She grinds her hips down onto his, moving them in a circle while he stares up at her. There is something between awe and a type of anger flashing behind his eyes, and his expression alone makes the heat stir low in her stomach.

Suddenly, he reaches up her back and the next thing she knows he's flipped them over using only one arm. Now he hovers over her, his lower half laying in between her legs.

With his lips a centimeter away from hers, he whispers "What a shame...we're all out of cards." 

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