- Chapter Six -

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Warning: this chapter contains some stuff that might upset you, but if you read the last chapter without any problems you should be fine))

Cricket's POV

I was in the library for break, we barely read anything interesting in ELA class so i took this opportunity to get some actual good reading time, when the alarm went off.
Someone was in the buliding.

I scrambled up from my seat, quickly dashing into the Librarians office and i hid behind a desk.
Oh goodness-i hope everyone's okay, i thought as i fiddled with my hair, i have no idea where everyone even was, were they safe? had they found a hiding spot?
Who even broke in? What if it's a student?

I sat there for a while, i could hear screaming, gunshots, i tried to block the sounds out but it was no use, i was biting down on my lip so hard it drew blood, then i heard something.


I held my hand over my mouth, not daring to make a single sound. Then the person spoke.
"Oh Cricket. I know you're in here, you always had a fondness for reading didn't you?"
I knew that voice, it haunted me, i never wanted to ever hear it again.

I noticed a vent in beside me, you could see outside into the library from it, i crouched down and looked through.
Yep, it was her.

The long and straight black hair, her eyes that were such a dark shade of brown they looked black, that terrifying gaze.

It was Wasp, through and through.

I panicked, how is she here? actually, WHY is she here?
I knew she had it out for me and my mom but would she really skip town just to find us?
"Y'know Cricket, i think you should thank me for paying you a visit. I can even let you see your father again! Wouldn't that just be a delight."

The thought of my dad wanted to make me cry. I only have slight memories of him, but those weren't really good ones. But they were all i had, then i made a sob noise.

Oh n o .

"Aha." I heard Wasp's voice say, her footsteps coming closer to the door, I covered my head as i heard the door creak open.
"There you are."

I was pulled up by my hair, i let out a small shriek as she shoved me into another persons arms.
"We got what we need, Scarab, you know where to take her."
The lady who was holding me had honey blonde hair and light brown eyes, she nodded at Wasp and held a small blade against my throat.

I started to cry, i didn't want to die, "P-please, don't h-hurt me" I stammered out as Scarab took me out into a hallway.
She let out a small laugh, "Oh little snail, i'm not gonna hurt you." She adjusted her glasses and turned me around, "My my, you sure have grown, you look quite healthy."
I raised my eyebrow, "Why does that matter?"
Scarab wiped a tear off my cheek, "Your father wanted me to check up on you, you are almost a spitting image of him,oh also-do you have a boyfriend yet?"

"Uh-" I didn't have a clue about what was going on, i backed away a tiny bit. "I thought Wasp wanted you to kill me or something-"
"Oh she does" Scarab said, "She wants your head on a sliver platter, but i don't think your father wants you dead and i wouldn't kill you anyways little snail."
"My dad's alive?" I asked, Mom said he was probably dead, but if he is alive, why isn't he with me and mom?

"Oh your fathers very much alive, but Wasp has him prisoner." Scarab explained, "Your lucky another member didn't capture you, if it wasn't for me you would be dead right now. Now you better run, hide in a locker or something." Scarab said, shoving me away.

I didn't ask any more questions, i got into a empty locker and locked it as Scarab ran back to Wasp saying that i had gotten away. Then i heard police sirens and Wasp left with Scarab and a few other people.


I sat outside the school, fiddling with my phone as Ambulances and Police cars filled the school parking lot.
"Cricket!" I heard a voice chime, i turned around and saw Blue, i ran towards him.
He hugged me "Oh thank god you're okay, i thought you had been injured."
"Me too!" I said, "Is Luna and Swordtail okay?"
"Mhm-" Blue said, letting me loose from the hug, "What happened to you?"
"Uh," I said, "Long story, i'll explain later, my mom is working late, can i have a ride?"
"Sure-" Blue said, holding my hand as we walked over to what i assumed is his mom's car.

While we were going to his house i noticed something in my bag, it was a name tag.
It was golden, i checked the name on it.


(Sorry if this is fast paced or anything, but i hope you enjoyed it, stay safe and healthy, bye!)

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