Chapter III

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Chapter 3

Two days later...

Early in the morning, I rose from the bed, still feeling the gnawing pain ripping my sore muscles. I tried to stretch my arms a little, though each movement I made was to contribute more to the physical agony, and I draped my legs over the side of the bed, flinching a little at the feeling of the cold floor beneath my feet. I started massaging the agonized areas in my body were my cold hands could reach. I grunted at first as I pressed gently on my bruised skin, but couldn't help the long sigh after feeling my muscles relaxing under my touch.

Few minutes later, I heard knocks on the door. "Yes?"

"It's me, Piers." He called from behind the closed door. Instantaneously at hearing Piers' deep voice, a pink blush crept to my cheeks and I hastened to tidy up my slightly messy hair and straighten the creases in my shirt. It took me a short while to reply: "Uh... come in!"

The door clicked open and the young man walked in. A welcoming smile appeared spontaneously on my lips at the sight of him; he was wearing his full tactical gear, including the heavy gray jacket and - of course - the Shemagh scarf adorning his neck, which never failed adding extra cuteness to his handsomeness. Don't tell him I said that! He would kill me, I'm telling you!

Piers halted in the middle of the room, scanning my form with his charming hazel eyes. He hurried to tear his vision away from me, and I honestly hoped that my eyes weren't tricking me, but I could discern a warm color faintly touching his cheeks. That did not help easing my flushed state in the least. "Good morning." He greeted.

I shifted awkwardly in my seat: "Good morning, sir."

"How are you feeling today?"

I smiled, "Better... thank you for asking."

He nodded. "Good. So... I came to inform you that we will be departing for the capital today. We're heading off now."

"Right now?" I straightened my back, surprised by the new information. "But I... I haven't received any orders."

"Right... because you're not coming along."

I looked at his face - he was serious! I nearly jumped off the bed, which caused me to wince in pain. "What?! What do you mean?!"

"You are exempt from engaging in this mission, due to your current state." Piers explained. "So you'll be staying here, with some injured members of the B.R.A.V.O. team. Chris already commanded some of the medical staff to stay here with you until the mission is over."

"But... I can't stay here!"

"Your physical state does not allow you to handle the mission."

"I'm fine, I assure you. I can do it!" I tried to convince him.

"No, you're not fine. And you're staying!" he pointed strictly. I swallowed my words, sitting there silently as he held my gaze for a while, until he turned to walk away. However, I stopped him from leaving any farther, rising to my bare feet and speaking in a firm tone: "I don't care! I'm going!"

He froze in his tracks and slowly turned to look at me with a scowl on his face: "What?"

"I'm coming with you." I repeated, with seriousness apparent in both my face and voice.

"I said..." He paused, emphasizing his point while stepping closer to stand in front of me: "You. Are. Staying... and that's an order." He said with a controlled low tone.

"I'm sorry, sir! But I can't stay here and do nothing!"

"For heaven's sake! Stop being so stubborn!"

Stupid! (Piers Nivans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now