The Procedure

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"Boy, is Brandi gonna be surprised to see me. The window to her room is open." Kurt said, shimmying up the drainpipe

"Pitbull Gram Security, deactivate." I said

"Go get yourselves ready for bed, girls. I'll be up in a minute.. Please watch over Val and hope that he pulls through.." I said quietly as Valeria and Jade had gone upstairs

"Mom.." Kourtney paused

"Yes, Kourtney?" I asked

"What happened in the Doom Buggy; I'm really sorry. I have a feeling that Dad getting attacked by the Mutant Lizards was my fault." Kourtney said

"When did you even sneak out? Your dad and I were gone way before we found you."

"I sort of jumped out the bedroom window, climbed down the tree and hid in the back of the buggy before you and Dad came out with Featuring Pitbull." Kourtney said

"How did Featuring Pitbull not find you? He is trained to sniff people out. He's part Doberman and bloodhound as well as Pitbull." I asked

"I kind of stole a few chunks of Trump meat to keep him quiet." Kourtney said

"Your dad getting attacked wasn't your fault, Kourtney. They were already coming towards us. Your uncle will call as soon as he hears anything about your dad. Now just head upstairs, I'll be there soon." I said as I had stared out the window at the blood red sky, wiping a tear from my eye and thinking about Val.


"Jay, I was worried I wouldn't hear from you. How's Val?" I asked as Valeria listens around the corner from the top of the landing

"You should probably get down here.. They're gonna want to talk with you." Jay said

"Oh, now they wanna talk to me? Where was that an hour ago when they took him to the Emergency Unit?" I asked

"They need to speak to you as soon as they can; the news might not be so good." Jay said

"Okay, but what about the girls? I can't just leave them by themselves."

"They're asleep. Just activate the Security system. No one will get in. The girls will be safe." Jay said

"Pitbull Gram Security, keep the girls safe until I get back." I said, heading out to the Doom Buggy

'Kurt peers out my bedroom door, lurking around the corners. As he hides underneath the bed.'


'I had drove to the medical center at full speed, running into the building as quickly as I had parked.'

"Where is he? Where's Val Bilzerian? Let me through.. Dammit, I'm his wife!" I yelled

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