Part One

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(If this is here it means this is the unedited first draft of the story. If you see any errors please tell me. I will correct and change whatever gets brought up)

Dressed in her red coat she chose because it was the warmest one, she owned and not her favorite, she wandered the streets completely lost. Hour prior she had been realized from the hospital with a broken arm and news that was practically a death sentence to someone like herself. Unable to face any of her loved ones she instead just walked trying to figure out a course for the future.

As the hours passed and the miles was slowly covered her outlook felt bleaker and bleaker. Snow had started to drift down but it didn't stick making the street wet and damp. The coldness stuck inside her lungs making her feel even worse than before. Her ears stung from the wind and forgetting how her arm still had a dull pain down to the bones she reached up to pull her hat down trying to block out the stinging cold.

She did have some money on her but not enough cash to take a taxi anywhere warm or even back home. Public transport was an option but a bus didn't go to where she wanted to go. Even if she knew where she wanted to go. Every time she thought to see a friend or family member for comfort, she slapped down the idea.

In the middle of wandering and self-doubt she spotted someone much worse off than herself.

A man sat against the corner of a building with people passing by him paying no attention. Most people try and avoid eye contact with the homeless on principal but it was as if they truly didn't notice such a large and odd-looking man shitting in the cold wrapped tightly in a warn and torn coat. His appearance was so odd it distracted her from her own situation for a few moments. Trying to get back on her day of self-loathing she couldn't take her eyes off the man for a few seconds. The strange sigh of people walking past and even slightly tripping over his put stretched foot without acknowledging his existence was so strange to her she had to keep watching.

Figure passed by treating him as a ghost. It got to the point where she thought herself seeing a man that was simply not there based on how others were treating him. Another man on the corner was begging for change and his appearance was just as worn down as the man sitting a block away. Even before he spoke people looked away or did their best not to be approached. They saw him and treated him poorly.

After a few minutes of watching such a strange scene she walked over to the beggar first. Even with the small amount of pocket change she had on her person she sacrificed half of it to the man hoping he would use it for food and something useful. He barely gave her a thank you before he badgered the next passing person for more money.

Slipping away she walked over to the other sitting man pushing past the current of strangers. Only giving him a quick look over she had already learned her lesson from the first beggar only a minute before. Across the road was a thrift store so without speaking to the odd person in front of her she darted across and inside.


The small sound made the silent man look up at her with stunning brown and blue eyes. She had heard of people with two different eye colors before but never met them in person. His intense look made her falter for a moment. Collecting herself she held out a bundle that was in her arms for him.

"I got you these. Sorry they're used. I don't have much money on me today."

She held out a folded blanket and a pair of slippers she had hoped was in his size. In a plastic bag she had also bought a loaf of bread and some lunch meat. Figuring it would be better to buy a entire loaf and something to make a few sandwiches instead of one for the man would be better. She only hoped he could eat what she had bought.

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