Chapter 1

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I am forced out of my peaceful sleep as the sound of shattering glass hits the ground and sprays all over the floor. My all ready weaken and destroyed door is harshly swung open and nearly falls down.

"Why are you still in bed???!!" my stepfather storms over and snatches my hair in fistfuls, forcefully dragging me out of the only safe place in my world, my bed. His breath reeks of alcohol as he continues to drag me and scream in my face.

My mother comes rushing in as tears slide down her face in rivers and begs my step father to stop, "James please, stop!" "Shut up woman, you are useless," he screams with disgust, slaps her, and staggers out of my room slamming my door close.

I rub my throbbing scalp and look over to my mother as she falls on the floor, her body shaking violently as sobs rack her. It took all might to not run over to him and snap his stupid head in half for hurting my mom. She is a beautiful woman inside and out with long wavy golden locks, wide blue eyes, rosy lips, slim face structure, high cheekbones, a figure, and size that women would kill to have, smooth creamy pale cheeks that are now swollen and red with fingerprints on her face that shouldn't be. Passionate hatred flares through me as I thought of my mother wasted on alcoholic freak like him.

I knelt down on the floor and wrap my arms around her miserable body that is sprinkled with blue-green bruises. "It's ok Mom, calm down, he is gone," I tell her trying to keep from crying because I have to stay strong for her and my little sister.

I gently pull her up by her wrist and lay her down on my comforting bed because the dark purple rings under her tired eyes tells me that she didn't have the best sleep in the world. I pull my mint colored comforter over her body. My little 8 year old sister Alexa walks in with her worn out teddy bear clutched tightly in her tiny arms, "Sissy I am scared," she whispers as tears threaten to fall down her innocent face. "Ssshhh Lexa just get sissy the box in my closet please." I calmly told her with a forced, tight smile plastered on my face. She runs over and hands the first aid kit to me.

I carefully pry small sharp shards of glass out of my mother's delicate palms and dab the small red droplets of blood that trickled down her palm while trying hard to not disturb her sleep like mine had been. After I bandage her hand up, I kissed her fingertips and shut the lights off, "Come on Lexa time for school!" I say in the most cheerful voice I could muster.

Faking happiness and hiding my emotions gets easier after a while I thought to myself. Soon my sister's bus comes and takes her to school, away from this living hell, he already hurts my mom and I need to do everything in my power to protect my sister from him.

I walk upstairs cautiously so I wouldn't wake the devil of this house and to my closet in the back of my room. I pull on an oversized light pink sweater covered with silver hearts to hide my mood and as I tried to pull my leggings up my legs I felt slightly light headed, but I pushed the feeling away. Must be from getting slapped, I thought to myself.

I pulled my makeup pouch from my backpack, tried to cover my slightly swollen and vivid red cheek with some foundation and brighten my teary eyes with concealer. Then I quickly swiped some mascara on my long lashes, blotted my lips with lipstick, and rimmed my eyes with eyeliner. Then I peered in my floor length mirror and from my appearance I look decent and not like a teenager with too many problems. I look like my mom with wavy golden hair, bright blue eyes, 5'5'' thin curvy frame.

I look...normal, but looks are deceiving, underneath all of this makeup I am not the person you would think that I am. I tiptoed out of my closet, pushed my legs through my black riding boots, swung my backpack on my back, and kissed my mother's forehead before jogging down the stairs and heading out for school.


"Aubrey are you Albert Einstein under disguise or something? Because how in the world did you get a perfect score on that chemistry test?!" my best friend whines loudly as I pushed my locker shut. I let out a sigh, "You have to study instead hooking up with boys Paisley." I tell her.

I love my best and only friend, but she fits the blonde stereotype perfectly.

Suddenly she touches my cheek and I flinch very noticeably, remembering the pain inflicted on my cheek when his hand came in contact with my face. She pulled her hand back quickly with a hurt and confused look on her face. "I am sorry..Au..Aubrey, what did I do?"

Crap! That wasn't suppose to happen, uuugghhhh stupid me! "No you didn't do anything its just I...worked really hard.. on my makeup this morning and I didn't want it to be ruined." I lied nervously. I could feel a blush creeping its way onto my cheeks and beads of sweat trickled down my face as I waited to see if she bought my lie.

"Oh sorry your makeup does look extra fancy today," she exclaims with a beam. "But, you feel really hot, how are you feeling?" As she said this I realized that I had a horrible headache and my head was about to burst, but I pushed it away and pulled my jacket onto my body. "I am totally fine, don't worry about me." I replied relieved that she didn't notice.

"Hey babe!!!!" Her boyfriend called out eagerly. "Be right there hottie" she yelled flirtatiously and shot me a wink before running off. I rolled my eyes assuming that he was her one night stand for today, slammed my locker shut, and threw my backpack on my back. When she was out of sight I slumped against my locker and weight was lifted off my shoulder. Paisley is so oblivious to everything and will trust every word that comes out of my mouth mindlessly it makes fibbing about the truth incredibly easy.

Snow fell from the sky so heavily that I could barely make out what was in front of me and the icy wind whipped my hair furiously back and forth in front of my face. I tugged my jacket closer to me to shield myself from the cold air and tugged the straps on my hood tighter making it almost swallow my face completely. My head pounded harder and harder by the minute, it felt like hammers hitting my head inside out constantly.I staggered slightly, left crunch right crunch left crunch right crunch I willed myself to trudge on through the thick layer of white snow and the sound of boots crushing ice beneath my feet distracted me.

Suddenly I felt my left foot hit something hard and I felt the world falling down. Something hard pierced my head and stars filled my vision. My sight started to blur and I saw red liquid seep on to the clear pure snow staining it. I tried to call for help, but light gradually faded out of my sight and I let myself sink into the darkness.


The comforting sound of drizzling rain upon glass filled my ears and a familiar light masculine aroma of sage and musk drifted into my nose. For the first time, I am not forced awake by screaming, things breaking, glass shattering, or crying. The pillows were so soft and the blanket is the warmest thing that I have ever layed in.

Light streamed through my eyelids making my eyes fluttered open and I took a nice long stretch before sitting up.

As my head cleared I looked around my room and saw blue walls with sports posters taped all over them, 1st place football trophies, medals, shirts casually laying around on the floor, textbooks thrown messily on the desk, half opened drawers, a bra, and a condom? Wait this isn't my room where am I looks so familiar yet I can't place my finger on it. Then it hit me could it be?.......

"So your awake." a manly voice called out behind me. I recognize that voice, I know that voice from anywhere, even if it was in a mix of a thousand voices I would be able to pick it out plainly. I quickly spun around and my eyes grew as wide as golf balls when I realized who I was staring at. I gasped, it was the my school's most worshipped player, the West Hill High High School god, and my ex best friend, Joshua Ross. "Long time no see Aubrey."

Hey this is my first time writing a story on Wattpad so pretty please share your support by reading it:) Hope you like it!! Also please comment and let me know if you are enjoying my story!!❤️ thank you for reading!

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