f o u r

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Honestly, I didn't expect you to know Earth very well. Of course, I dumb! You were born here. I hope I didn't make it obvious that I started taking an interest in the things you liked. I guess not.

I left Shawn at home to go grocery shopping. I'm too excited to stay at home, though. I had to get the things for his birthday anyway and... Crap! Why didn't he told me sooner? It's the fifteenth! I grab my phone out to text him when I forgot.

He don't have a phone! My dumb moments.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Though, what will I give him for his birthday? Ooh! Now, what will Walmart provide me with?"

I sat down at a table in front of Krystal's and ponder about it. Right! A phone! Another dumb moment and an 'aha!' moment. I got in my car which had gotten warmed up enough and drove to Walmart.

I wonder. I hope this boy isn't too hard to please. What if he says no to a phone?

First, I look at the sketchbooks, paints, and other stuff. Cuz, we both love art so freaking, so why not? I pick up three things and calculate that up to twenty something. Now, the phone.

Phones, phones, phones. I take my time looking at the phones. I flinched at most of their prices because... I don't do math and I'm not gonna risk it.

Like, seriously? Why didn't he told me sooner?

Something else came in my mind. A little thing that made me smile. I couldn't stop thinking about that the rest of the day.

Weird, But I Freaking Love It.. So I Freaking Kiss It (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now