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Today is his birthday... I just noticed how I never asked his age. Hopefully, just hopefully he is near my age. Not too young, not too old... Well, he doesn't looks old at all.

I tiptoed to the room Shawn were in to surprise him at 5 early in the morning. I came to his side to peek at his face. "Shawn?" I whispered, grinning. "Happy birthday, dude. Psst, wake up." I waited for a reply before yanking off the covers while yelling, "Happy Birthda- Oh."

He wasn't there.

I look around the room. "Shawn?" Something caught my eye and I turned around. The window was opened. Blood stained the window sill. Glass pieces scattered. A quick beat was already going on with my heart. I was scared to scream, like I felt like... I wasn't alone and.. I can't be here alone.

Next thing I knew, my feet was dashing on the dusty ground. I didn't know where I was going, but I needed to go far. I needed to be with at least someone who--

A scream escaped my lips and tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Woah, woah! You look like yer runnin' from a dozen of hitmen!"

I sighed with relief, but I was still shaking. My legs felt jelly like and my heart was still at a fast pace like it was running my speed. I just needed to sit down somewhere, lie down or something.

"You alright there, miss? You don't look like you're okay after a... run and hit?" The old man in front of me laughed. He sorta calmed me down. I look at his side which he was holding a rifle.

"No, sir. I'm not alright!" More tears started coming. "It's my friend birthday and I went to wake him up and he wasn't there and there was blood on, on the window and I got scared th-"

"Scared for what?"

"Scared that I was alone and I might be with a killer! My friend was gone! I just woke up like this! And, and.." I wiped my snotty, red face.

"Hold up there, motormouth! Do ya know where ya are? Did you come from all the way over there?" He pointed behind me.

I was stunned. I ran that much... To here??

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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