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"Come outside we are here."

Acilia spoke over the phone before hanging up, I grabbed my duffle bag from the cupboard and made sure everything was in it. To save some time I already had wrapped my hands up for the match. I can't get caught this time, mama doesn't like the idea of me and beating people up because I may get hurt in the process.

As I slowly sneak out my room Adolph, my older brother, is walking through the hallway in a fucking towel.

"Go put clothes on." I whispered loudly.

All he did was grin "Are you going to another match?" He asked, sipping on some coffee. I nodded my head and slowly closed my door so mama or dad didn't wake up. "Can you cover for me if dad gets up?"

If dad finds out about this both Uncle Greg, Acilia father, and I are dead. Literally. Being a tight-ass my brother stood there a moment waiting for something in return, "I'll be nice this time since I'm in a mood and I'll cover for you." I cringed. Oh trust me I know what he's doing, more so who he is doing.

That Whore Elizabeth who is desperate for him, ew. "Go back to your whore." I said turning around to walk down the stairs.

He let out a laugh "I'm doing that now." I scoffed and slowly went down the stairs, see this was more of a struggle than my dumbass expected because it was pitch black and Acilia's messages did not help at all. Once I finally reached the bottom and made my way to the kitchen I quickly packed myself an energy drink and went through the side door.

"How long does it take you to get to the f-ing car?!" Acilia shouted as I got in the front seat, Uncle greg eyed her out through the rearview mirror. "Sorry I took long, you know the dark doesn't help going down all those stairs!" I shouted back trying to prove a point. Acilia has been my best friend since birth, probably because her father is my dad's right hand man.

"Enough you two, we need to be back before 6 AM or your dad will kill me for being late to another meeting." Why does dad get up that fucking early, I thought to myself.

I sunk into my seat thinking of the upcoming match, who I'm gonna verse and how I will win. "Muriel tonight is going to be a packed night, your opponent is from America and has brought a whole crowd with him." Greg explained as we were on our way to the ring.

Acilia was too busy on her phone, probably DMing her hoes or as she calls them "acquaintances" which is a load of bullshit. "Whoever he is, lads going down." I laughed as we pulled up in an underground garage. We got down from the car and began to walk to the wide glass doors which surprisingly blocked out the loud sound of people shouting. "I'm going to count how much they bet on you, I'll meet you in the warm up room." Acilia shouted into my ear, I could barely hear anything over the loud noise, Greg pushed me through a silver door, passed the large crowd and finally some quiet.

Greg pulls out my boxing gloves as I fix the wrapped tape across my hands, "Try to not get beat up tonight, your dad is having a party for an alliance."

What bloody alliance do we have, didn't dad cut ties with everyone before he had me or something?

I nodded my head towards Greg keeping my face emotionless as he was inspecting a schedule on his phone.

The same silver door we came through opened again, this time the noise of the crowd grew louder and Acilia entered. "Fucking hell Muriel so many people have bet against you." He must be a really good bloke to be able to get this large of a crowd to bet against me, I began to get anxious. What happens if I loose. Don't fucking tell me it's just a game cause it not, it's more than that.

"Muriel, I don't want you to focus on that, you have three clean rounds, use them well." Greg came up to me strapping the boxing gloves on "And you Acilia, talk like that again I'll put soap in your mouth." I began to laugh, little does Greg know his daughter swears at everything and everyone.

Hidden SecretsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz