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Out of pure stress I shut down my phone and put it in my drawer. I don't know why this is affecting me so much but I have a weird gut feeling about this. To try and relieve my stress I took a hot shower. Hot as in boiling. I stood there half of the time watching all the water seep into the drain contemplating about what the fuck im going to do in my life. Try to getting the hell out of this shit hole sounds about right

I slipped on my sweatpants and a tank top then snuggled deep under my sheets. Slowly my sleep began to creep up on me devouring me whole into the abyss of nothing.

My body shook to a loud thud behind my door. "Do you not answer your fucking phone!" Adolph came stomping into my room. Fuck my life. "Muriel get up, we've been calling you for hours." I slowly sat up in my bed rubbing my eyes until I realized that I had left my phone turned off in my drawer.

"Don't get your knickers in a knot, I'll be down in 5." Adolph hated it when I would say that, always used to make my day. His eyes twitched, he was about to rage real soon, but before he could dad walked inside. "Good Morning my angel." He stands on the door and stares at Adolph. My brother has a very handsome features compared to me. We may be twins but we are complete opposites. He has blond hair and green eyes that contrast his olive skin compared to my basic brown hair and brown eyes.

As my brother exits the room dad closes the door and comes and sits at the edge of my bed. I rub my eyes in frustration "Hello my dear father, how may I help you this early in the morning?" I ask sarcastly. He shakes his head and laughs.
"Well my dear daughter, you could start off by telling me why you aren't downstairs eating breakfast with us." My dad is alway adamant about us sitting down together for meals, he says it is a time for us to connect together, whatever that's supposed to mean.

"Oh yes my dear father, I will be downstairs in 5 minutes." I layed back down in my bed. "Muriel you better be, because I have something to discuss about tonight." He walked out and closed my door behind him. What on earth is going on tonight? Why is everyone talking about it, I said to myself.

I put my phone on charge, using every ounce of strength in my body I get up and wash my face to look somewhat half decent and leave my room. I walk downstairs and everywhere you turn there is either a maid cleaning or a person decorating, my gosh don't tell me there's an event happening here.

"Well look at what the cat dragged in." A familiar voice spoke behind me, I turned to see it's the one and only Jake. "I don't see the point of that, I live here idiot." Jake is one of the men amongst our men and is an assassin, only our closest men in the mafia live here with us to help my father. "Your dad is waiting for you in the dining room, he won't let anyone eat without you there." Jake said, smirking.

Typical dad, I thought to myself. "Are you going to be joining us for breakfast?" I questioned Jake, there was something odd about him like a hint of sadness. He looked me up and down and then walked off. What was that all about? I rubbed my head and entered the dining room which was opposite the kitchen.

All conversations ceased when I entered the room. The first pair of eyes I looked at was the man sitting at the head of the table, my father, without a word I sat next to my brother. With just a nod of his head everyone began to eat breakfast, but I wasn't feeling hungry.

"Tonight we have special guests coming, we will make sure they feel welcomed and comfortable." He said as he laid scrambled egg onto his toast. I cringed. I can't stand eggs, the smell of it, the look of it just turns me off.
"Muriel, why are you not eating?" My father asked me. I rubbed my eyes "Because, who is coming tonight?" I questioned trying to feed my curiosity. My dad shook his head as he munched on his toast. "Eat then I'll explain."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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