The Aftermath

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***Kirena is Snows Mom and Cale's diseased wife**** ^pic of her mom above
Luke's POV

As I was walking home from the bowling alley my heart was breaking. I drove there but I needed time to figure out my screwed up situation. I can't believe I have treated snow like this. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I knew that she had forgiven me a long time ago, by I don't know what to do about her boyfriend Andy.

I starred at my feet as I walked on the sidewalk. I was worried. Her dad probably hated me and I have no true friends to confide in. I rounded the corner, walked past 2 houses, and bounded up the front porch stairs. "Mom? Are you home" I sighed. She was gunna kill me but I had to tell her. "In here hun." She was in the kitchen bagging cookies. "Um mom? Can I tell you something? I don't think your going to be to happy w-....." She stopped dead in her tracks and slammed the baking sheet on the counter. "Lucius Alabaster Wayne, if you got a girl pregnant, I will single handedly castrate you with a red hot poker." I was stunned. "Jesus mom!? No I didn't get a girl pregnant now can I talk to you?" She laughed and sat down at the table. "Oh thank God. Yes what is it sweetie." I swallowed the lump building in my throat,"Do you think I'm a good man?"

She blinked, wondering why I asked. "Well of course! Your an honor student and are a great athlete, your kind and loving and respect others." I looked at my shoes. I cant believe they all thought so highly of me. It made me want to vomit. "Mom, your wrong I'm not a man. I'm a child. I left my best friend, for a girl that only thinks for herself." I collapsed in a chair next to the table,crying like a baby. "I hurt Snow so bad mom. I've discriminated her for years, and watched as others did to, and did nothing. NOTHING. What do I do? I'm done being the stereotypical joke that everyone is afraid of. Please tell me what to do mom." I was balling. "Lucius, look at me." I looked up at my mom. "That great man I was talking about, is inside of you. That girl, Lauren, has changed you. The only way yuou will become the man I know is if you go to Snow and make it right. Darling, she misses you and I know you miss your best friend." Then it hit me like a brick wall. I knew what I had to do on Monday.

Snows POV

Andy and I got in the truck, I felt like I was on top of the world. Aside from Lauren, we had a great time. It felt like everything was going to be ok again. I looked over at Andy who was focused on the road, and smiled. "Hey Andy?" "Yeah Snow?" He replied in his deep voice that sent chills down my spine. "We need to do this again, soon." He smiled and glanced over at me, "We do." I sighed and slid over to Andy, laying my head on his shoulder.

We just sat like that until we pulled up to my driveway. I sighed and turned to Andy. I kissed him quickly and jumped out of the truck. I walked up my driveway, then turned around. Andy sat in his truck smiling like an idiot. I smiled and waved at him, then walked inside. Tonight, was a bomb ass night.

Cale's POV
I watched Snow walk up the driveway, continuing into the house. All I could think of was how much she looked like her mother, the way she walked, and everything she did. All I saw was Kirena. For the first few years after her passing, I couldn't stand looking a Snow, I hurt to much. But now, I knew that her mother would have been more proud of her than anyone else. Snow was going to be someone more than my amazing daughter. She was going to bring 2 species together and we could all finally liv e harmoniously.

"How was your date darling?" I said looking up from my coffee. She jumped and put her hand over her heart. "I'm buying you a bell. Your to quiet. Dad make your presence know!" She said laughing. "It was great. You'd like Andy." Now it was interrogation time. "Did he do anything stupid? Does he drive like a maniac?! Did he make you do drugs?!" She rolled her eyes,"No dad. Everything was fine. And like we would find time to snort cocaine in bowling alley." I snorted. She was a smart as just like her mother to. "The only reason I asked is because you said I would've liked him...." Her reaction is going to be gold! Snows jaw dropped. "WHAT." I bursted with laughter. "I was joking! Oh my god your face! PRICELESS!" I continued laughing till tears filled my eyes. "Goodnight dad." Snow said as she walked up the stairs. "Goodnight darling. Sweet dreams."

I finished my coffee and looked at my watch. 11:52. I yawned an groggily trudged up the stairs. I crawled into my bed and drifted off to dreams of Kirena.

Unknown POV
I watched quietly as the lights in the house turned out. They can't know I'm here. I must confront them both and they will hate me for everything. I haven't seen them in years, ever since Kirena's passing. Cale is going to hate me. He'll just have to deal with me, regardless

And Kirena is Snows mom and Cale's wife that passed away
Ohwwwwww who's the mysterious person?! Find out next chapter 😊
hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated but I've had family issues, and from now on I'll be updating every Sunday! Sorry this is so short I've only typed it in 1 hour. New characters soon! Love you guys 😍😍😍💯👌

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