Ch 3 This Is A Rebel Love Song..

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Snow’s Pov

 When we walked through the door we were still laughing and Andy’s parents looked at us. “Andy who’s this?” his mom said smiling walking over to us. We took our shoes of and Andy introduced us. “Mom this is Snow. Snow this is my mom.”  I smiled and shook her hand, “You can call me Mrs.Beirsack.” She turned to Andy’s dad “Honey get over here and meet Andy’s friend.” His dad was tall like Andy and he looked a little bit like him. “Hello I’m Mr.Beirsack.”  I smiled. “Hi I’m Snow.”  Andy looked annoyed and laughed “Okay mom, dad we have a math project to do okay? We’ll be in my room.”   We bounded up the stairs and went to the first door on the right. “Okay I still have boxes everywhere and i still need to paint my room so-.”  I interrupted . “You know what screw the math project, you have that paint?” He just smiled “Hell yea in the closet.’’

  “Let’s do it then!” He busted out laughing “We just met!’’

  I rolled my eyes and laughed. “You perv.”

We went in Andy’s room and cranked music and his parents didn’t care surprisingly. We put all his boxes on his bed and put down the tarp. I grabbed a plain oversized shirt from Andy’s closet and put it on over my shirt I was wearing. “Lets do this.” He said laughing. We opened the paint cans and dipped our brushes in the black paint. Andy turned on Teenagers and i started screaming the lyrics with him. We both laughed till we couldn’t breathe. 

         After that i had an amazing idea. “Hey Andy.” He turned around and said “What” but it was to late. i wiped black paint on his cheek and started laughing. He scowled at me. “oh... IT IS ON!” He took his paint brush and diped in in the bucket and put it on my arm and face. I just laughed and took his paint brush. “Have fun gettin me back now bitch!” I laughed and ran away from him. He chased me, picked me up and threw me on his bed. We laid on his bed laughing and catching our breath. i was layingon his cheat and yawned. It was 7:30 and i would have to go home now. And i needed blood cuz i was starving! 

I looked up at Andy and out of nowhere he kissed me...

    Andy’s Pov

She was laying on my chest and yawned. She look at her watch and paused. Then she looked up at me. I couldn’t help it and i kissed her... It was amazing... I know what I’m going to do before she leaves tonight.. I’m asking her out.

 Snow Pov

    He kissed me so i kissed back. I was seeing fireworks in my head. He was an awesome kisser and if he doesn’t ask me out before this night ends I’ll ask him! It would be great having more than 4 people to talk to. When we broke the kiss we stayed there nose to nose. Andy was holding me now and everywhere our bodies touch were on fire.  “Snow Legacy Stirling? Will you give me the honor of being my girlfrined?”   Instead of answering him i just kissed him and our lips moved in sync for at least 5 minuets and I only pulled away because it was 7:50 on my watch. “Andy?” i breathed  “Yea?” he asked. “I gotta go.” I gave him my pouty face and he laughed. “Okay babe, can i drive you home? My dad has a truck and we can put your bike in the back.”  I smiled.”That would be awesome babe.” 

     I drove my bike into the back of Andy’s dad’s truck and got in the middle seat next to him. The truck was a nice 1959 Ford that had been restored and painted cherry red with black interior with red accents. It had white wall tires with black and red rims. It was 100% cooler than my motorcycle. 

        Andy drove into my driveway and killed the engine. It was 8:10 and my dad wouldn’t care if i was 10 minuets late anyway. I looked over at Andy. “You wunna do this again tomorrow only after school?” He smiled at me, “Defiantly.” He walked me to my door and we both looked at each other and smiled. I hugged Andy and put my arms around his neck. i pulled back from the hug and looked at him. Then I kissed him passionately. When we broke we said good night and i went into my house. I watched from the window as he pulled out of my long driveway threw the big cast iron gate. Tonight I was going to have amazing dreams. And from now on as long as Andy was with me, I knew i would be happy.

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