You know the underwear song

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*Avery's point of View* 

I wake up to see my step brother trey hovering over me. "I can I help you?" I look at the time it is six am. SIX AM. Why is he waking me up so early..? 

"Yeah, you have to help me clean up. My mom and your dad will be home in less then three hours and this house is torn to shreds." He breaths over my face. It's a good thing he is not a spitter or this situation could have been real bad.  

"I don't have to help you do anything." 

"Well when they come home to a mess they will know there was a party and we will both get in trouble!" He says. 

"Yeah.. I thought about that. So I told dad I was sleeping over at Adell's." I give him that annoying smirk siblings give each other. "I am one smart cookie." 

"You hate Adell." 

"I don't hate Adell that much, but dad dosen't know that anyway. He thinks it's great that I am bonding with the people at work."  My dad told me I needed a summer job so he is making me intern for the local radio station. I have only been working there for a week and I can already tell you this is going to be a very long summer. None of this main stream music is style. I like beachy music like a good Jack Johnson song or even some of Cody Simpson's new music. But, I swear if I have to hear Shake It Off one more time my head is going to burst. 

"I hate you." He says dryly 

"Well, I Have to be at work in two hours and you better get cleaning so, chop chop. You got a lot of work to do."  I laugh at my own joke. 

I quickly shower, and do my make up and throw on the closest shirt to me. Then I find a black garbage bag and help try pick up all the empty beer cans. 

"You really are a life savor." He smiles at me. 

"Yeah, well next time Mom and dad are out of town can you go to a party not throw one? Some creep was in my bed last night!" I Tell him. 

He makes a face." Awe I am sorry." 

"It is okay but I better get going to work. catch ya on the flip side." I tell him grabbing a banana and ruining out the door. I drive to work with the faint sound of the radio playing. I hum along. 

"There you are!I have been waiting forever for you to get here! " Adell says doing this jump squat thing to greet me. "You will never believe the news!" She gives me the biggest smile I have ever seen on a person's face. Adell is one of those people who you would say is an acquired taste. If you put it that way. She is  a love it or hate it kind of deal. Unfortunately for me, I hate her. 


"5 Seconds Of Summer is coming here! NEXT WEEK!" 5 Seconds of Summer now why does that sound so familiar? 

"And what songs do they sing again?'' I ask. 

"Well, their biggest hit is She Looks So Perfect." I must give her a strange look she continues to explain. "You know the underwear song." 

"Ahh yes." That song is pretty catchy. 

"They are my FAVORITE band of all time I meet them last summer!" She sequels. 

"Neat." Sometimes I ask myself why am I such a bitch but, I am okay with it.

"Michael is my favorite!" She says pretty much drooling.

"I met a guy named  Calum last night!"

She then pulls up a picture of the boys! And that's the guy! The boy from 5SOS was in my fucking bed!



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