Date 3: She Tasted sweet like Sunshine

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*Calum's point of view*

"Do you really want to do this?" I asked as Avery teased me by playing with the hem of my shirt. She nodded sexily. My mind was playing tricks on me, this could not really be happening...

She kissed me over and over again. We kissed until my lips felt like they would fall off, and even after that she kept kissing me. It was perfect, better then perfect. She tasted sweet like sunshine.

"Calum wake up!" She said pulling away.


"CALUM WAKE UP" My eyes jolted open to see Ashton standing right in front of me. "What were you dreaming about mate? You sounded like you were moaning." He chuckles.

All I can do is groan from embarrassment. I know kissing Avery was to good to be true. I had my third date with her tonight. These 'dates' we starting to become the best part of my week. I loved seeing her. Even though I knew she would never feel the same. But, I guess that's a good thing because I don't date.. Well under normal circumstances.

"Where are you taking her tonight?" Ashton asked.

"To this new club." I answer without bothering to look at him.

Ashton just sighs. Fuck! Why is he always like a dad? " Do you really think that is a good idea?"

"Yeah, why not? I get to grind and dance all up on her it will be great." I inform him.

"I just feel like she is more of a stay at home kind of girl." I hate him for always having to be a know it all about everything. How dare he say that he knows Avery better then I do!

"Fuck you Ashton." I storm off.


When I finally get to Avery's house later that night it almost eight. I'm on the early side so, I'm hopping that it will impress her. Ya know? Win some browning points.

Avery opens the door and frowns."What are you doing? You aren't supposed to be here for another ten minutes! I'm not ready yet." Then she jolts back up stairs leaving me alone in her foyer.

"Are you ready yet?" I ask about ten minutes later.

"Yes ." She appears at the top of the stairs. She gives me this ghost smile. That says you don't know me and you never will. She is wearing a black dress that leaves little to the imagination. She looks me in the eyes and smiles again this smile is more real. She is beautiful. Her eyes holding so many secrets that I didn't know but, I wanted to know everything about her. I wanted to know what it'd be like to wake up with her in my arms. I wanted to know how she took her coffee. I wanted to know if she was falling as hard as I am. These are the questions I could never ask.

The club is loud. Music pounding in my head I can barley focus. All that I can focus on is how many guys are staring at Avery. I want to punch every single one of them. She gives a flirty wave to some dick at the bar. Is she being serious she is her with me. She should NOT be looking at any other guys.

*Avery's point of view*

The music is loud. I hate it. I want to go home but, I have to put on a show for Calum. "I'm going to get us drinks!" I shout over the music. he nods and makes him way to the dance floor. "Two beers." I yell over to the bar tender.

"There on me." The creepy guy I waved to earlier to make Calum jealous. "Hi, I'm skip."

"That's your name?"

He laughs at me ignoring his question. "How about we go dance?"

"No thank you. I'm here with someone" Never in my life have wished for Calum to be by my side more then I did in this moment.

Creepy guy Skip slides closer to me resting his hand on my thigh. I looked around the club for Calum but, I couldn't find him. "I don't see him now?" His lips curl up in to a twisted smile. "Let's go." He says garbing my arm.

"Let go of me. I try to make my voice strong but, I know it comes out with a quiver. He pulls on me harder. Before I know what's going on he is lying on the ground holding his nose. He cries out in pain.

Calum turns to me. "Are you okay?" Making me feel safe.

"Yeah I am fine now." I feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"You are shaking. Let's get you home." He takes my hand in his. He feels warm. He feels right.

*Calum's point of view*

It's all my fault for letting Avery get hit on by the creepy guy. I should of been there protecting her. She needed me. I will never by the guy she wants me to be. I can never date her. 

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