Chapter 9

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When they came home Mother decided that ALL of us should do something. TOGETHER. Just what I want right now. really. And I was about to watch the finale of American Idol. Just another cliffhanger I'll have to wait on.
The Dutch Tulip Man surprised us by taking us to the Capitol Grill, possibly one of the classiest, most expensive restaurants in Bolivia. I've never been to a place much like it before, except for parties, maybe. The Tulip Man said that this was his treat. Good, because I sure as hell don't know how Mother could've covered it.

When we entered there were waiters hustling around in suits and bowties that carried around platters that looked more like art than food. I looked up. There was a huge, crystal-filled chandelier hanging over my head covering a mirrored ceiling. I saw myself in the mirror up above and waved. I was such a child. Besides juvenile entertainment, I never really understood why people put mirrors on ceilings. One of the suited women waited at a desk for us. Tulip Man gave his name to her, and she took our coats and told us to follow her through the restaurant. We passed hundreds of tables full of classy, business-like people until we were finally seated.

I looked at the menu. I was a very picky eater, so I was always embarrassed coming to such exquisite places. I eyed the menu. Nothing really appealed to me except maybe the penne vodka. I guess that'll do.

Mother and Tulip Man talked while my nose was buried in the menu. I finally put down the menu, and he opened his mouth to talk.

"So, um, Anna..."

Ugh. Really? No please don't talk to me.

"Anna, er, well, what do you like to do, exactly?"

"What do you mean?" I responded.

He said, "Well, on your spare time. You know, any hobbies or pastimes?"

"You mean besides getting the life sucked out of me every week? And not having any friends, and---"

"Anna," Mother interrupted. She looked sternly into my eyes. "Why don't you tell him about your guitar or something?"

"Okay... " I sighed. "I like to play the guitar. And write songs. And sing them. Sometimes. Besides that, I watch TV, eat, and tease my mom about tulips," I chuckled.

"Now, my dear, tulips are no joking matter. As you know, I'm the writer of the prestigious Tulip Enthusiast Magazine, and many people do have a deep love for tulips like your mother and I. We sell over 75,000 issues a year worldwide... "

I tuned out the Tulip Man's voice. I didn't need a tulip lecture on top of everything else.

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