Chapter 4

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Mother was in the yard planting more tulips. Our yard was full of them. All of the blues, oranges, reds, pinks, purples, and yellows perfectly color coded and arranged in a rainbow.

I guess now would be a good time to say that Mother was obsessed with tulips. There were pictures of them all over the house and little lots everywhere each with a single tulip in it. There was at least one in each room. But they were her therapy. They got her mind off of me for once, so I let it slide.

"And how many have you planted so far today? 3, 4 hundred?" I joked. "30," she said with a stern look, but then we burst into laughter.

I went inside. I made myself some pasta for dinner and plopped myself in front of the tv. Nothing was on. Thank god for the DVR.

After 3 episodes of American Idol I went to bed.

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