Haylor (Beginning to New Years)

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Rant Topic: Haylor aka the ship that sunk faster than the Titanic.

Alright. This will literally probably be about the easiest rant ever. Why? Because no one ships Haylor.

Don't watch the video yet.

Well for starters, the way that they act around each other is a bit more than awkward. Their body language speaks volumes, literally. I'm sorry if you're one of the three people that might ship this but let me be very clear in this analysis. 

We'll begin with the photo on the side. That photo is one of the hundred that are all over the Harry Styles search page. These are from their first outing together. You know, the one that Lou Teasdale, Lux, and Tom Atkins all went on? The one where they all went to the zoo and Jesal, the Elounor photographer, took very nice little photos of them. 

Now, I don't want any hate for anything I'm going to say because this is simply how I VIEWED THEM. 

One might notice that in the majority, almost all, of the photos Harry has an interesting posture for someone who is 'so in love with' and 'crazy about' the girl he's with. In all of the photos, his shoulders are haunched, his hands are for the most part stuffed into his pockets, and in, aside from a few, most of the photos he is standing a good distance away from her

Interesting thing? Taylor for the most part is doing the same. Her hands are in her pockets for the most part and she keeps her distance. 

They seemed almost entirely uncomfortable around each other, like they had never met or only met a few times. Interesting for a pair that's so in love.

Moving on, they're basically having that awkward first date where you would bring your friends along because the other person likes you more than you like them. Harry literally planned a group date. I'm not going to spend much more time on that photoset other than to say that during the 'date' Harry was more interested in baby Lux than he was interested in Taylor.

Rumors about that date: 

-Harry supposedly couldn't stop touching her butt

-Styles is 'head over heels' in love with Taylor

-Taylor thinks Harry is 'fantastic'

Tabloid Reaction:

-Harry loves Taylor and Taylor loves Harry

-Harry's bad for Taylor's good girl image

-Most generally 'worried' that Harry will hurt Taylor

-Sensible ones worried that Taylor will ruin Harry for the sake of a new hit song


-To promote both albums

-Taylor is being compared to Yoko Ono, worry that she will split the band 

Fan Reaction:

-Few jumped ship (Be mindful that these were probably the young ones)

-Haylor fandom was born

-Most hated 

Happy Birthday Taylor and Happy Birthday Loubear: Okay, this is going to be short but very pointed. Harry basically spent $1500 on Taylor for her birthday which includes the price of the... 23 was it? 23 cupcakes that he purchased. He was with Louis and Liam to celebrate Lou's birthday on the tenth of december I believe. The event was black tie and a family event. Only a few pictures were released of the event and it was kept secret for the most part.

Rumors about both events:

-Louis' party was supposedly planned by Jay and Harry

Tabloid Reaction:

-Harry didn't take part in planning, Eleanor did

-Harry and Taylor are super in love

-Harry rush ordered the cupcakes

-No coverage of the birthday party

-Harry left trip to Utah with Taylor early to be back in London for Lou's real birthday

Fan Reaction:

-Holy shit Harry planned Lou's birthday.

-"I wrapped it myself" to "I planned it myself"

Additional Information: 

-Taylor went to spend $80,000 on Harry for his birthday for Beatles memorabilia 

-Taylor is her own manager 

Flying with out the band: This is something that primarily I don't have a lot of information for but I could see how it would be true. Supposedly, when the boys left the Jingle Bell Ball, Harry left on Taylor's private jet instead of flying with the rest of the boys.This was the same flight trip that the boys got mobbed on, you know when Liam got scratched? The boys were supposedly upset that Harry wouldn't ride with them and that he didn't go through what they did. There wasn't much media attention to this other than Liam's scratch.

Preggers: Okay, this is one giant rumor. If you believe this you need to take a few steps away from your computer and reevaluate your life. These rumors showed up a WEEK after the hotel stunt after MSG occurred. A little science and biology lesson for you young ones... Its usually four weeks before you even know you're pregnant, three at the least. Sorry, but there will thankfully be no Haylor satan child.

Passport: I found this literally hilarious. I'm sorry but this boy travels for over 8 months out of the year, and he simply 'forgets' his passport? Sorry, but no no no. He left his passport 180 miles away. 180 miles. This was not an accident. He travels more than frequently. He has two permanent marks on his chest just to show how much hes traveled. He knows that he has to have a passport to leave the country. He purposefully left his passport at his mum's. Clever bastard. Poor thing tried to stay home for NYE. He did get his flight delayed though because he missed his first one. He ended up flying out of London around eight hours later I think ;) cut his time with Taylor by about a day.

New Years (now watch the video): Okay to start off with, Ryan Seacrest announced that they were going to kiss before the day. If that doesn't say 'planned' I don't know what does. Second of all, they walked out into a crowd of people and their security pushed the people around them back, therefore, everyone took notice that they were there. Taylor is very excited in the beginning, as she should be, it's a new year. However, Harry stays by her side looking miserable and tired. He looks just about as tired as when they had him running around from the hotels. Taylor excitedly does the countdown while Harry attempts to chat with those around him. However, Harry still hasn't smiled once. When the ball drops, Taylor and Harry kiss. No surprised there but yeah. Then they hug and Harry's looking away the entire time. Feel free to compare the hug to ones that he gives Louis. I'm not going to bother because it's fairly obvious. Then, she whispers something to him and starts giving him pecks. Which is fine. The best part is, she give him a peck and he hugs her. It's one armed and he pats her on the back. Literally gives her pats. Their handler is with them the entire time, watching them. He's on the right in the video, the grey haired guy. Then, they leave. Literally it was like a 'hey we're kissing, look. Look we're a couple. Believe it.' 

Overall: Haylor is just very unrealistic. If they are really a couple then... Best wishes. I'm happy for Harry. He literally just looks miserable with her and he's being run down. Haylor is bad publicity for both parties. Harry isn't much of an actor and it honestly doesn't even look like he's trying. I bet they are friends but nothing more than that. Their body language doesn't make sense for that of a couple.

I will add more later as I'm being bitched at to get off the computer. Much Love xx

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