Take Me Home

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A Note From Kaity: Per request of one of my lovely fans, I will be analyzing bits of the new album which is quite fantastic if I do say so myself. Ryan asked that I do an analysis of the full Take Me Home album because it has been said by many shippers that this whole album is basically just about Larry and Larry cries for help haha. Now, I will say that I do see this quite a bit in some of these songs but I don't think the WHOLE album his Larry centered. I'll go song by song and then tie all my points together at the end for you. I'm going to stick with just the *Deluxe yearbook addition as I've only heard one of the songs from the Target album, forgive me... I'm poor and a uni student haha.

For the sake of fairness, we'll have my opinion and the lovely Becks opinion as well :)

~My commmentary will be in BOLD.

~My lovely friend Becky (MrsTomlinson4evr) will have her commentary in BOLD ITALICS.

Song Number One: Live While We're Young

Kaity: This song literally has nothing to do with Larry, I'm sorry but it's just about the boys being young and being able to go out to do whatever they would like. This song could also be a representation of how the lads live on tour. Essentially, like the single lads of the group or just everyone, cause yeah they're famous, could get in just about any girls pants and that would require them thus hiding any remnants of the events. Zayn's solo is mostly a representation of this in how he says that if he were to, you know, sexy up a girl that she should be sure to keep it to herself! Haha. If you want to relate this in any way to Larry you could say that the lines "I know we only met but lets pretend it's love" could be about how the lads basically hit it off from the start. But, literally, this song is just about sneaking out at night and... having sex. 

Becky: The perfect wet-n-wild, emphasis on the WILD, party song! It has some naught references too, mostly from Zayn, Zayn, and more Zayn. Harry might have rubbed off on him a little haha! "And if we get together, yeah, get together... Don't let the pictures leave your phone," Um... what Zayn? You wanna take pics of our night together? :) "And girl, you and I, we're 'bout to make some memories tonight," HELL YEAH ZAYN. "Tonight lets get some and live while we're young!" Harry and Zayn you naughty boys. We definitely see Zayn's bad boy side come out through his solos... or shall we say naughty boy side?

Song Number Two: Kiss You

Kaity: Essentially this song is just another fun peppy song meant to make girls think that they will get the chance to feel that rush with one of the lads. This song actually quite reminds me of that one Olly Murs song. Haha, I feel like this song could be major Larry feels if someone was unable to remove their fanon goggles (as Daniel Howell would say...). Now, furthering the Larry feels explosion I could totally see like a bromance video with all of their touches and it just being a playful video of how much they want to get in each other's pants. For example just to get the Larry feels fest going, what about that interview on the couch when Harry looks so sexually frustrated that he literally can't look anywhere but Lou's lips. See what I mean? But, if you remove the fanon goggles and just view the song as a song then you'll think that it's just about the lads seducing girls. Spotting the trend in the album so far? Haha. They really want you to take them home.

Becky: The entire song is pretty much the guys, mostly Harry and Zayn, seducing a girl and telling her how badly they want to get with her :). 

Song Number Three: Little Things

Kaity: First of all, this song was written by Ed Sheeran when he was seventeen so this song could not be physically written for the lads, so in turn I will go over the essential parts of the videos. The parts that Lou sings specifically could be chosen in Larry relation as he sings "You can't go to bed with out a cup of tea, and maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep." If you know anything about Harry at all, you would know that Harry usually drinks tea before bed and he also talks in his sleep. The two lads often shared beds and rooms so Lou would know this as well. In the music video there is one extremely important part. At 3:25 in the Little Things music video, Harry does everything that he can to not look over at Lou but in the end he does when he sings "It's You". Now, you might miss that because the camera quickly pans over to Liam but feel free to watch a few more times for your Larry enjoyment. However, if you watch the live videos of the song, such as the X Factor performances you'll see that the two have been placed as far from each other as possible and don't even get the chance to look in the same direction, ironic right? Haha, but! These live performances are where Ziall shine. Niall even points and smiles at Zayn while he sings the end of the song. Can't forget about those two precious loves. 

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