A Fall and Love.

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-A Fall and Love-

(Olivia's POV)

We walked out the door and I felt the warm air hit my face. Immediately I thought this was going to be a good dinner. We all walked to the car and hopped in. Amanda and I were in the back again with Sam. He seemed agitated by something. I don't get these boys. I feel weird around them. I don't know if it's just because they are boys or what, but all I know is that they make me feel weird. Kian was driving again and he cranked the radio this time. The song that came on was a song I really wanted to sing to, but I didn't want to because I dint want to embarrass myself. Before I knew it I was humming to the tune. It soon turned into soft singing. I thought maybe they won't be able to hear me it is pretty loud. I started to sing a little louder, and a little louder, and a little louder until I was full on singing. I heard Amanda start to kind of sing along. She always tried to make me feel more comfortable. That's another thing I loved about her. The song ended and I faded out with it. The whole way to the restaurant I was singing along to the radio. Amanda and I would make little duets with songs we've played around with before. We were dancing along with the song and soon enough all of the boys joined along with us. Kian started to dance and let go of the steering wheel. "Kian the steering wheel, you're driving!" I yelled at him. He quickly grabbed back onto it and steered us back straight on the road. I laughed at his stupidity. Kian pulled up to the restaurant and we all piled out of the car. Sam grabbed onto my hand again and this time Ricky grabbed Amanda's. I didn't mind and wrapped my small hand around Sam's bigger one. As we walked towards the restaurant I saw girls running towards us. My breath hitched in my throat. Fans. I sped up my walking but Sam pulled me back more. I motioned for him to go faster. He kept pulling me back the faster I went. I wanted to scream at him but that wouldn't be good. The girls kept getting closer and closer. I was getting scared. My feet slowed down and I felt sick. I tried to walk faster but I couldn't. I kept slowing down. I saw the girls coming closer, and closer, and closer. Until they were surrounding us. I almost fell over. I was dizzy. I couldn't stand. I sat on the ground being consumed by the fans. I just sat there and broke down.

(Amanda's POV)

I watched her panic. I watched her freak out about the fans. I couldn't help her. I figured Sam would just rush to the restaurant. But no he stayed, he waited there. Maybe he didn't know. Maybe he didn't know she would freak out. Olivia panics when there is a large group coming closer, because she is claustrophobic. I watched her try to run faster, and Sam pulled her back. I wanted to run to her to help her, but Ricky was doing the same to me. Holding me back. I was gonna yell, my temper was gonna burst. I was gonna hit him, but I held it in. I watched her fall to the ground. That did it she broke down. It was too much. I yanked my hand out of Ricky's grip and ran over to her. I grabbed her hand and hugged her. I ran away from the crowd. The boys will have to fend for their own. I have to help my sister. When I was a few feet away from the crowd and I couldn't hear deafening screams anymore I set Olivia down. I was already kind of dragging her anyways. She kept bawling and covering her ears. "Shh...Shh it's ok Libs. You're ok. We're away from them." I said trying to sooth her. She calmed down some. "It's his fault all his fault. He kept me. He wouldn't let me go. He wanted this to happen." She kept whispering to herself. I was confused for a minute and then got what she was saying. She thought Sam wanted this to happen. "No...No...No...No he didn't know. He didn't mean to Libby." I tried telling her. She kept murmuring to herself. "No he meant it. HE wanted to hurt me. He's a boy. They're mean." She said to herself. "I won't believe it until he tells me himself." She said. I rolled my eyes. The normal stubborn Olivia. If you wondered Libby is her nickname. I grabbed her hand. We walked back over to the crowd of girls. I was gonna get my way. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!!" I screamed at all of the girls. They turned towards me. "I'M NOT AFRAID TO PUNCH SOMEONE!!! MOVE!!!!" I screamed at them. They parted the middle for me to walk through. The screaming stopped and they just watched me. I drug Olivia through the middle up to the boys. "Sam tell her you didn't mean to make her break down. She won't believe me." I say. He ran up to her and hugged her. "Olivia I'm soooooooooo sorry. I had no clue. I just figured you should know what the fans would be like. I was just gonna give you an experience. I never meant to scare you." He said to her. She nodded slightly. I heard awe's from the crowd and I heard some people scoff. I turned around to the scoffing. "Grow up!" I yelled. "You never had a chance anyways." I saw one of them run away and the other give me a glare then walk away. I just laughed. Connor came over and laughed too. We walked into the restaurant and we took a seat. We all ordered and Olivia calmed down then ordered. She sat next to Sam and the whole time Sam was wrapping her in his arms. He looked really happy. He honestly looked like he was in heaven. It was funny to watch. He was like draped over her. I stifled back my laughs and waited for our food to some. When the food came Kian had to pry Sam off of Olivia and he sat up slowly. His smile faded as he sat up. I laughed at how sad he looked. He was like a puppy that just lost his toy. We ate our food and Olivia started to do weird things to try and make the others laugh. We were laughing at how weird it was not how funny it was. She continued until we were all done and we got our leftovers to take home. We walked out and Sam had his arm around Olivia protectively. Trevor held my hand and we all made it back to the car safe. Unlike when we came. Our drive home consisted of me and Olivia singing again. When we got home Olivia and I walked up to our rooms. We both changed and went to our bathrooms. I took out my contacts; yes I wear contacts, and put them away. I wiped the little mascara I had on, off so it wouldn't smear overnight and walked out of the bathroom. Olivia was still in her bathroom. Probably taking out her contacts and getting her makeup off. Typical Olivia taking forever. She came out all cleaned up and smelling like a flower. She always puts lotion on before bed it makes no sense. You're going to bed no need to smell good. As you can see we are two very different people. We both crawled in bed and I shut the light off. We sat in silence for a minute and then Olivia spoke up. "Amanda I think...I might like Sam." She said. I gasped. "Really?! I couldn't tell!" I said. I could definitely tell. She always looks safe near him. How does she fall in love so fast? But I fell in love fast too. "I think I like Trevor..." I say. I heard her giggle. "Oh how do we love, love?" she asked laughing. I laughed with her. "I don't know lets sleep on it and discuss in the morning. OK?" I asked. I saw her nod across the room. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day.

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