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"Elena, wake up, please! She's gone. Someone took her. Someone took Ash!"

Elena's eyes open slowly, her head resting in Caroline's hands. The clothes of both girls are covered in blood.

"What happened? Where is Ashley?" Elena gets up, grabbing her phone out of her pockets. With her shaking hands she searches for Ashley's name in her contact list. She presses the call button. No answer. They leave the car, noticing a trail of blood outside of it.

"Is that her blood? God, why did I even ask her to come with us? This is all my fault." Tears start building up in Elena's eyes.

"None of this is your fault Elena. We will find her, I promise. And I won't let the person who took her get away with this."

• • •

Ashley's POV

Earlier today...

"Come on Ash, it'll be fun! You're always studying and stressing out whenever there's a test coming up. Even Damon agreed that you could use some distraction."

Caroline has a point, but I don't want to screw my grades up, my whole future depends on it. Plus I don't have the advantage most of my friends have, I'm not a supernatural being, I can't compel my teachers or just poof the right answers onto my tests.

"Soooo, are you coming with us?" Elena says, looking at me with puppy eyes.

"Okay fine! But please leave the singing to the radio part to Caroline, please." We burst out laughing.

"Do I sound that bad?"

"Yeah, but you already have an amazing personality, an amazing boyfriend, amazing looks, if you would have an amazing singing voice too, it would be unfair." Caroline says.

"I need to grab some stuff from my dorm first, I'll meet you guys at the parking lot later, okay?" They nod. "Great!"

On my way to my dorm, Damon's name pops up on my phone: "Have fun and be careful! We still haven't found the new town psycho yet."
Right, I totally forgot Kai Parker is still out there. He escaped his prison world just a few days ago, left Bonnie in there all alone. None of us have seen Bonnie ever since. She's probably still traumatised about all the horrible things Kai did to her. When I first heard about Kai, I freaked out. I'm human, I would be an easy target for him. But he still hasn't made a move yet, so he's probably planning to take revenge on his family. Or coven, whatever it might be.

"We'll be careful. Also, how long are you, Alaric and Stefan staying in Portland? Elena can't stop talking about you."

"I don't know yet. Papa Parker only cares about his own needs, so it's hard getting what we need, but we're getting there."

"So that's where Kai got it from."

"Runs in the family. Anyways, I got to go, Ric is shouting at me, AGAIN."

I smile at my screen. If Damon got a dollar everytime Ric got mad at him, he could buy his own bourbon factory.

I finished grabbing my stuff, locked the door of my dorm and leave. Finally leaving campus for the first time in forever. I was getting kind of bored of seeing the same buildings, the same people, the same hallways every single day. I arrive at the parking lot that's almost completely filled with cars. Elena and Caroline are outside of Elena's car. "There she is! Our favourite human on campus." Caroline says, handing over a coffee.

"So, where are we going?"

"It's a suprise!" Caroline says full of excitement. I always get a little worried when it comes to Caroline and suprises. She always likes to go all out. I'm nothing like that. I like to keep things simple, and stay in my comfort zone.

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