Always yours darling!!

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Hey guys thank you for reads. I never expected it to get more than 20😂.....

Thank ya and love ya!! (Nvm, I tell love ya soo much)

Deni's pov :

             I woke up a bit late this morning. I was still sleepy so I  all I wanted to do was cuddle Niall but when I woke up I found Niall nowhere to me. I was worrid where he could be. He never left without telling me or even a morning kiss. I started to feel a little uncomfortable as I remembered I was thrown by stairs to the ground. That hurt my back really bad. It was feeling like hell so I decided to make a hot water mini blanket to decrease pain. I was having trouble walking. It is worse today. Niall knew I was having trouble walking yesterday too but wow he left me home alone (pay attention to the sarcasm).

I gently walked down the stairs and went to the storeroom where we kept those kind of stuffs. I picked it up and I suddenly the pain was intense. It was paining really hard. It felt like someone kicked me soo hard. My back was getting worse. My eyes started tearing up and I started sobbing. The pain was sending shivers down my spine. Then I heard the door getting unlocked. I thought it would be Niall. I screamed Niall so hard that I heard him threw whatever was in this hand and came running towards me. His eyes got wide open. He quickly ran over to me and picked me up in bridal style. My vision was getting blurry. Niall was running towards his phone to call doctors. Then I blacked out.
After 4½ hours
When I woke up Niall was at our bedroom door talking to the nurse. I tried to motion myself but it was hurting. I made a painful noise while Niall and the nurse caught my attention. Niall quickly ran over to my bed and pecked me on my face. "Deni what the fuck happened when I was not there? What you were doing? God I was soo fucking worried about you!" I was angry and into pain at the same time. I yelled at him " Niall why were u fucking worrid about me huh?. U left me home alone and went for a silly morning walk. Great I appreciate your care towards me. (Notice sarcasm). Then Niall suddenly started acting werid and was guilty and angry at the same time. He yelled me back " Deni I was not gone for a walk alright. I was gone to buy you heat gel and I thought it could give you relief". I felt really sorry about misunderstanding Niall and yelling at him. "Niall baby I m really sorry" I said to him. His face turned into caring nature and came towards me and gave me a kiss on cheek. I said "I love you" he told "ALWAYS YOUR'S DARLING!!" That made my heart skip a beat and I was blushing. The nurse stood there have us a smiling look and said "okay I guess she is alright so I will leave and I appreciate your love towards each other" and she Chuckled. Niall and me both started laughing and lastly the nurse told before leaving that I need bedrest for atleast 1 week. I guess this is going to be interesting.........

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