The Phone Call

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Beth's POV
I really want to call Cam, but I don't know if I should or what I should say... I need to get my mind of thing right now. -lays down and stares at phone- why I'm I even waiting for him to call me? I know he won't he doesn't even have my number... When he meant call me did he mean like today or tomorrow or... Should I tell Teala?😱 Someone help me

Cameron's POV
I hope I didn't come on to strong, -looks at phone- will she ever call me or did I make a fool of myself

Nash: So those girls -winks-
Cam: what about them
Jack G: dude we saw you give a piece a paper to one of them.. Are you expecting a phone call?
Cam: I have no idea what you are taking about. She dropped that paper.
Taylor) sure she did

Beth's POV
Maybe I should call Derek, I know I can trust him maybe he will have some good advice. -gets out phone and calls Derek-

Derek: Hi Beth!
Beth: hey! I need some advice
Derek: on what?
Beth: so I might like this guy and he gave me his phone number but I don't know if I should call him and if I do what do I say?
Derek: hmmmm I don't know actually...

Derek's POV
I have liked Bethany for a while. But could this guy she is talking about be me? Hopefully but I doubt it... I just have to make sure she isn't interested in any other guy.

Derek: who is this boy?
Beth: umm his name is Cam
Derek: *speechless* hangs up*

Sorry I don't write for a while.. I didn't think anyone was reading it. But I will be updating about twice a week, at least I will try too! Thanks for reading guys! 😃

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