Spilling The Beans

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Teala's POV
I just want to get out of here is that so hard to ask? Now we will be stuck here until blue eyes is done flirting🙉 There has to be a way out...
Me: I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back Beth
Beth: ok I'll be here

Finally I can get away from them, poor Beth is stuck there. -walks to the bathroom-

Bethany's POV
So Teala basically just left me with them, maybe I'll go stand outside so I don't make a fool of my self. - looks down and starts to walk outside. Runs into Cameron and spills coffee on him-

Me: Omg I'm so sorry! I didn't mean-- *he cuts me off*
Cameron: It's fine really *looks in
Beth's eyes* don't feel bad, I'm clumsy too
Me: you sure? -thinks: he is looking at me again- is there anything I can do
Cam: *puts a piece of paper in her hand* call me sometime

What just happened? Where is Teala? I need to go. Wait did I just get Cameron Dallas's Number?😍

Cameron's POV
Did I just do that? Did she just take my number? Wow she is so pretty, I hope she calls me sometime. Well if not I can reach her through social media😃

Teala's POV
I should probably go back out to Beth. -walks it to Beth-
Me: how did it go in there?
Beth: umm idk I've been waiting outside
Me: Well want to come to my house?
Beth: actually I'm just going to go home.


😄 Please tell me how it was, comment things you think should happen and things I could improve please. Thank you for reading!

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