Part 1

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Happy New Year everyone. This was supposed to be the last work I published in 2020 but it took me longer than anticipated to write this and it ended up being my first woek I publish in 2021.

On the morning of 30th december I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep and ended writing this in my head. It was supposed to be a short 1000-1500 word fic bit I got a bit too into writing it and this ended up being the long fic it is. I spent my new year eve and new year day in this so I really hope you like it.


If you asked Mineta, he'd probably say it was because there was alcohol involved, which was a very very true but it was also a very very convenient excuse to run away from any baggage that he probably should have unloaded but he was too scared of the unknown.

It happend at the 3-A New year party, well, it wasn't really a New year party more like a pre-new year new year party since the class would be going home for Christmas and coming back after the new year. Previously, before the holidays class - A would do a Christmas get together with class B along with their teachers All might, Eraserhead and Eri but this time, since it was there third and last year they decide to change things up and do a new year party instead with only the class 3-A students.

Class 3B and the teachers easily got onboard with it and chose to do their own things too without any questions or complaints. Now, with no adult supervision there was bound to be people trying to sneak in alcohol and surprisingly the entire class rose as one to help them convince Iida and Yaoyorozu to allow it. Acquiring and sneaking in the alcohol was comperitivly much easier.

So the party started and like every party, there was food and music and alcohol and of fucking course they're were party games, an entire list of them that Mina wanted them to play. Everything was going perfectly fine, everyone was enjoying dancing, talking doing the things that happen in normal parties.

Mineta was enjoying himself too, mostly hanging around Kaminari and the Baku squad but also moving in between the other groups form time to time. He was maintaining the right balance of water food and alcohol, seeing his size and all he had to keep himself in check or it wouldn't have taken long for him to get wasted, he wanted to have fun but also remeber it the next day, he couldn't do that if he got drunk too soon now could he.

Kaminari on the other hand wasn't holding back much, him and some of the other students had already consumed alcohol before so they were a bit more tolerant to it. He may be a little over confidant about his tolerance level but he didn't care.

After everyone in the class (atleast all those who were drinking) were intoxicated enough Mina started gathering everyone around for her party game lists. Up first was Spin the bottle, kiss or drink edition.

Everyone was siting in a tight circle, even Bakugou, Kouda and Mineta, the class had been much more tolerant even inclusive of him since he toned down his perversion a little and learnt where to stop around the time between first and second year. In the circle was an empty beer bottle, sitting omniously waiting to be rotated.

The rules were pretty simple, the person would spin the bottle and they have to kiss whoever the bottle neck stops on, however if they do not want to kiss each other than both of them would have to drink instead. After the round was complete the bottle would be passes to the one sitting on the right of the person the bottle landed on. The kiss itself could be just a peck or a full blown make-up session, it just needed to be on the lips to be counted valid.

Mina wanted to start first but that right was refused to her by none other than the sparkling boy Aoyama who demanded to spin the bottle first saying since he was French he deserved to go first, after about five minutes of arguing about that Mina surprisingly allowing him to go first after he said that he was first in the class sitting order.

Blame it on on the Alcohol. (A Kamineta Fic)Where stories live. Discover now