Chapter 1: The Quest

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I remember being called into a room, but I dont remember why. Some men dressed like guards were leading me towards the tall white doors. I could feel my heart throbbing in the back of my throat causing me to swallow hard as if it were stuck and wouldn't come loose. Two guards in front of the majestic doors slowly pushed them open, and I was pushed in, and I wobbled a bit before looking up to a large, half circled, table that held 6 people. In the middle 2 woman sat and to the left of one 2 men to the right another two men were seated. Calmly I bowed my head to them before standing straight up.

"You are sure this is the one?" The woman to the right of me asked to the guards.

The guard simply nodded before he replied. "Yes, she is our most recent soul to receive."

The Woman to the left then spoke her tone soft, her voice loud, "You, my dear child, are to be sent to earth!" She sounded excited, a little too excited. "You're our little knight, but for the humans you are a God! You will save them all from the vary sin they brought upon themselves!"

I stayed silent; however, it wasn't my own will it was as if someone was holding me back from speaking, maybe myself? The woman continued, "If you succeed, my dear child, you will be granted one of these two lovely options! Return to the concil where you will be part of us and become immortal, or stay with the disgusting sinners and become mortal."

I thought for a moment. They said I was a new arrival, what did that mean? I just remember waking up this morning and now I'm some kind of Savior?! Though, as if forced, my head nodded and the woman broke out into laughter.

Finally one of the men spoke out, he was older and seemed nicer. "For your acceptance i shall grant you one small gift so the Mortals know what you are.." his eyes glew for a moment then a sharp pain proceeded to rupture from my back. I screamed in agony, grabbing my hair and pulling my head down to my knees as two large, snow white, wings sprung out from my back. Tears streamed from my eyes like a river when it flowed. I slowly looked up to the two women laughing before the floor bellow me opened and I saw them beginning to grow smaller. Was I shrinking? No.. I was falling.

In realizing this I tried to turn myself around, but the newly wings bestowed upon me made it nearly impossible, and I was hurling towards the ground. Then, with a loud boom, I slammed back first onto something hard and again I felt another sharp pain. This time in the wing, and again I screamed in pain. Its had snapped on impact and it hurt worse than when it came out of my back. Slowly though I stood trying to ignore the pain. I had landed on top of some metal object and it was making a very loud noise over and over again.

Thats when I heard something that shook me to my bones, a scream, though it wasn't my own. I slide myself off the metal object and held my wing tightly to my back, whining in pain as I saw what looked like humans running at me. They looked odd, most had no hair, while others had limbs or prices of themselves missing. How were they still able to move, and why were they running at me? I dont know why but I felt an urge, a urge to run. To run as fast as I could.

Looking around I noticed more of these metal objects, and my head hurt a bit as a voice echoed in my head. "Cars.." the voice was loud, but now I knew what these things were. I noticed most of the cars had people inside of them, like the ones that were chasing me. Then I saw one that seemed to be empty, running to it I scanned it quickly. How do I open this? My hands ran across it then I noticed what seemed to be a handle sticking out and pulled it and the door opened quietly. Some of the people chasing me seemed to have stopped but there was still about 3 or 4 coming my way. My wings shuffled and I got into the car and closed the door.

I sighed softly before the people chasing me walked around the car for a moment but soon left. I let my wings out stretching the broken one as far as I could before it popped, uncomfortably, back into place, and I gasped biting my lip. Then I heard a small clicking noise and turned around to see a weird object put to my face.

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