Chapter 2: The incounters

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I opened my wings stretching the broken wing out before it popped, uncomfortably, back into place. I gasped softly rolling my shoulder before I heard a small click behind me and turned around faced with a weird object put right in my face.

With a sturn and angered tone a man spoke out, "What the fuck are you doing in my truck?! Are you working for the gangs too you damn angel!"

I was so baffled so many questions and now my mind started to hurt. I still felt like I was being forced to stay quiet. I think looked at him and then backed away before falling between the seat I was on and between the cars door my wings shooting up so I dont get them injured again. I then heard a little cry, but I couldn't see what it was. Before I could sit back up the man opened the door I was against and I fell out, rolling over myself then laying on the floor with my knees in the air.

The man then looked out the door. "Go and bother someone else, now I have to calm down my children before more Z's come back." He then shut the door and it made a clicking sound. I stood up slowly looking at the car and knocking on the window softly, trying to beg him to let me back in. However, that only caused him to turn his back towards me. I then felt a bit angry, why was this mortal being mean to me?! What did I do!? I then huffed and looked around was there something I could do to make him trust me? I at least need some kind of mortal on my side, and he was the only one I have met, even if he was mean.

I then turned around and began to walk off crossing my arms over my chest. I then noticed a rather large building down the path and I began to talk to it a bit confused. He knew what I was, but he said too, are there more Saviors here with the mortals? I continued walking, there was a fence up along the area, and I stared towards the building and shook the fence a bit making it clatter against the poles making a loud clanking sound. Coming from the building seemed like a heard of people and they looked like before but this time I froze with fear and just stood there.

When they reached the fence it clanked and bent towards me, I gasped and fell back looking up frightened at the people reaching towards me. Thats when I felt someone grab me from behind, I turned to see who it was and all I could see was their teeth coming right at me. I quickly opened my wings knocking them off but realized I was nearly surrounded and tried to back up only to be grabbed by the hands on the people pushing through the fence. The Z's, as the man called them, grabbed and pushed me to the floor; basically fighting with eachother who would reach me first with their teeth. I screamed and cried, kicked and swung trying to break free. Then a loud bang caused the Z's on me to stop and turn towards the man. He was out of his vehicle and one of the Z's fell to the floor next to me with a bullet hole in its head.

He began to walk forward and the Z's backed away, quickly I scrambled towards him panting softly before he looked towards me. He then softly spoke. "They won't come near us, they won't take the risk of getting shot.. they aren't stupid.." he then began to back up slowly, and I followed, not turning around. Then I felt a sharp pain on my arm and looked over to a small child biting me and quickly I screamed kicking them away. I then felt horrid, I had just kicked a child! They then shot up growling and the man did exactly what I did, but then stopped in the kids head. I looked away as he spoke again. "They may be smart.. but they arent human anymore.. dont be afraid to hurt one just because its a kid or elder.."

I nodded but still didn't look. After a moment we got to his truck, and he pushed me against it and snatched up my arm looking at the bite. "You were bit.. but its healing too quickly. You are an angel.. just like the other you're probably unaffected by this virus." He said with a huff. He then opened the door again, and I climbed into the truck. The two kids in the back looked at me with awe as their father climbed in on the other side and started the truck up and began to drive off. The Z's in the road moved and watched us leave, creeping me out a little.

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