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you're no good for me, but baby i want you


third person.

year six.

september 20, 1997.

after vera's crying fit calmed down, she decided to read to calm down her mind. she knew ron didnt really mean what he said, he was just angry with her. but, it still hurt vera very much.

she decided to not talk to her friends for the rest of the day in hopes that they might forgive her for screaming at them. vera sat on her window sill, staring out the sun setting, the pinks and blues of the sky faded and turned into an almost black palette specked with small white stars. she watched as the earth spun slowly, clouds fading.

vera decided that she couldnt focus on her book anymore and closed it, setting it on a small wooden table next to her. she then remembered that tom had wanted to show her something.

vera got up from her seat on the window sill and walked over to her small closet, throwing on a jumper to keep her warm. she slipped some black slipper on before glancing at her clock on the wall.

9:42 , the clock read. she hoped it wasnt too late to go by his dorm. vera picked up her wand and walked through her door. none of her dorm mates were back, which was probably for the best. she peek through the corridor before exiting the girls dormitory.

vera quietly tip toed through the hallways, hoping not to alert any prefects or professors, though the only ones who really cared were snape and filch.

she arrived at his door a few minutes, lightly knocking. tom quickly opened the door revealing his lover. he stood smiling at her, and motioned for her to come in. she walked into his room as he quietly closed his door.

"im glad you came, darling." he smiled, wrapping his arm around veras waist. she gave him a small forced smile. tom noticed this, and cupped her cheeks in his hands.

"are you alright?" he frowned. vera softly shook her head. tom leaned in a pressed a small kiss to her forehead.

"tell me whats wrong." he told her as they walked over to his bed and sat down.

"its my friends." vera said sadly, wiping some tears from her face.

"do you want to tell me what happened?" tom asked sweetly.

"they dont like me being with you, tom." vera cried, leaning onto toms shoulder. he rubbed her back and pressed another kiss to the top of her head.

"you dont need them, love, you have me." tom spoke softly. he turned veras face to look at his and looked in her eyes.

"you only need me." he smiled before kissing her. they pulled away and tom grabbed veras hand.

"now, for the surprise. are you ready?" tom asked. vera nodded slowly. tom pulled vera up off the bed as they walked hand in hand up to the astronomy tower. once they reached the top of the astronomy tower tom took both of veras hands in his.

his hands lightly started to shake as his nerves built up. he let go of one of veras hands do dig into the pocket of his pants. once his hand had been removed from the pocket, it held a small velvet black box. vera stared at it intently. she looked down at the box and then back up at him with wide and excited eyes.

"um, vera," he started nervously, "i really dont know how to say this or what to do. but, the feelings i feel for you are like nothing ive ever felt before. im not sure what is it because, well, ive never felt anything like it. but when i had finally mustered up the courage to talk to you that one day i could feel butterflies in my stomach and everytime id talk to you id get all giddy. so what im trying to say is i love you, and i want to give you this."

tom opened the small black box to reveal a bright golden ring, and attached to the front was some sort of colorful crystal. vera clapped her hand over her mouth in surprise and gasped as she saw what the box held. she looked back up at tom and gave him a wide smile.

"this is just a promise ring, of course. not quite ready for a marriage yet." tom chuckled. vera placed a small kiss to toms lips.

"it's beautiful, tom." vera smiled as tom slipped the ring on her finger.

"not as beautiful as you." he replied, cheesily. she lightly slapped him on his arm, causing him to tense up. but, vera didnt notice it.

"so, does this make me officially your girlfriend?" vera asked, holding onto on of toms hands.

"yes, i suppose it does, love." he smiled, kissing the top of her head once more. they then made their way back to toms dorm and sat on his bed. they slipped under the blanket and vera laid her head on his chest.

"you only need me, darling, i swear." tom whispered. "one day ill give you everything you want, youll just have to say the word."

vera smiled at, what she thought were, sweet words. she nuzzled into his chest further and felt herself drifting off to sleep. tom felt himself drifting off to sleep as well as his fingers played with her hair lightly.

"i love you." tom whispered before he fell asleep.

my darling ~ tom riddle Where stories live. Discover now