Chapter 20

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Once again, it is my favorite time of the year. Christmas was right around the corner and that also meant I would soon hear back from my college admissions board and that I'd be graduating from high school! But now we were all in the living room of the house decorating for Christmas as Davenport walked into the house with a Christmas bag in his hand

"Ho, ho, ho! Santa's here," Davenport announced

"I'm not sitting in your lap," Leo immediately said, "Just hand out the gifts."

Davenport just laughed as he rummaged through the Christmas bag. When he found what he was looking for, he announced, "Presenting this holiday season's hottest new action figures: Adam, Bree, and Chase!"

He pulled three small action figures out of the bag, and they looked like Adam, Bree, and Chase with their mission suits on. The three of them gasped

"Wow!" Bree said as she took hers

"Cool!" Chase said while taking his

"Toys!" Adam exclaimed as he quickly reached over to grab his

"They're so cute!" Tasha said

"Yeah. Now that the world knows and loves you guys, a toy company was eager to put one of these in every kids' stocking for a small licensing fee," Davenport said with a grin as he pointed to himself

I just gave him a weird look and asked, "Do you ever think about what your life would be like if you cared about anything other than money?"

"Ahem. Didn't they forget a certain person? I'm just saying these two faces would look dashing in molded plastic. It appeals to children of all ages," Leo suggested

Davenport just placed his hand on Leo's shoulder and reminded him, "Leo, we agreed to keep your bionics a secret. Besides, this is about Adam, Bree, and Chase. And me!"

Leo and I both just gave him annoyed looks as he pulled out an action figure that looked like him. He made it look like his action figure was doing all of this flips and ninja moves, but Leo and I still weren't amused. We all just stared at him with weird looks, and he said, "What? It comes free with the set."

"Right, because no one would actually pay for you," Bree said, which made Adam, Chase, Leo, and I bite our lips so we wouldn't laugh. I went over to help Leo put ornaments on the Christmas tree

While we were doing that, I saw Adam pick of Chase's action figure and say, "Look, Chase. Yours is life sized."

Chase just gave him a look before picking up Adam's and saying, "Oh, and look. Adam's head is hollow. Just like the real thing."

Adam frowned and said, "It's not hollow. It's... filled with potential."

He yanked the action figure out of Chase's hand, and Bree gave him a weird look, "Potential? More like air."

That's when the three of them began to argue with each other. I just rolled my eyes at their bickering as I continued to decorate the tree

Tasha walked over and stopped them, "Guys, it's Christmas! This is a time to think about others. Not yourselves. Which is why famed TV reported, Tasha Davenport, is hosting a charitable toy drive at school."

We all just looked at her before she defended, "Oh, it can be a little about me."

"Of course it can, honey." Davenport smiled before walking over and giving her a kiss on the cheek, "Since that little self involved side trip is over, check this out!"

Tasha's jaw dropped offensively as he shoved her out of the way and showed his phone to Adam, Bree, and Chase, "Your action figures are now third place on the holiday gift best seller list." Adam and Bree seemed impressed while Chase just repeated, "Third place? What's second and first?"

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