Fun With Frannie

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Summary: Frannie is recording a cooking video on how to make their famous pancakes, that she is gonna upload to her YouTube channel... but it has gone very wrong.

Permissions: Feel free to modify little things, like instead off milk you can put orange juice. And if you are to use this for any audition or presentation, please if possible, give credit to TheBlueMoose. Thank you very much. If you would like any additional information or permissions, please message in the chat to me.

Costume: Baker's hat and apron if you need a costume. You do not have to wear a costume if you do not prefer.

Props: Paprika bottle to pretend to pour into the bowl, flour container to get flour from, measuring cup to pretend to measure ingredients, milk jug to pretend to pour milk from, 2 eggs to pretend to crack into bowl, bowl to stir in, plate to have final pancakes on if wanted, whisk to stir the ingredients together.

Frannie: Frannie is a girl (can be played by any gender) and she is not the brightest. She is very chipper. But please add your own pizzazz to Frannie. Make them your own!

Note: If you do not want to waist food, you do not have to actually pour the food into the bowl. You can pretend to if you prefer.

Time: This monologue takes about 2:30 mins to complete. But do not worry, it can be longer or shorter, depending on actors speed.

(Frannie is holding the camera in hand)

Frannie: Hi guys! Welcome back to Fun With Frannie cooking show! Today I am going to show you how to make my famous cinnamon pancakes! So let's get right into it.

(Frannie sets down camera at a bad angle, preferably looking up at her)

Frannie: Ok, so first you are gonna get 2 large eggs and crack them into the mixing bowl.  (Beat)  Oops, didn't mean to drop the shell's in... but you know, you gotta roll with the flow! So now it's  (Beat)  crunchy cinnamon pancakes! Well I don't know about you, but I think that sounds pretty good!

(Frannie picks up camera and puts it at a better angle so you can actually see what they are doing)

Frannie: Alright, next we put in the milk and flour. So something like 5 cups of flour? Yeah  (Beat)  that sounds about right! And 1/2 cup of milk!

(Frannie starts to stir but notices it is very hard)

Frannie: Ooh, this is getting very hard to stir! I'm gettin' my workout for today! Haha! Well next comes the cinnamon.

(Frannie goes over to a cupboard and pulls out a clearly labeled paprika bottel)

Frannie: Ok, now we gotta put a lot of cinnamon in this because if we don't put enough, then people won't taste the cinnamon.

(Frannie pours a LOT of paprika into the pancake mix)

Frannie: Mmh, I can't wait to try this! Now you need to pour the batter onto a pan and cook it until it looks cooked! I will be right back when I'm done!

(Frannie comes on the screen with a pan of horrible looking, chunky and orange pancakes)

Frannie: Wow  (Beat)  these look... interesting. I... can't wait to try them.

(Frannie takes a bite of a pancake and realizes what she has done with the paprika)

Frannie: Eeeeew! Sorry guys, but DO NOT try this recipe! It is SO GROSS! No wonder they were so famous. If you have already started making the batter... THROW! IT! OUT!

(Screen shuts off)

(End of scene)

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