Movie Night

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A/N I'm starting to think that I just rename this book to Sokeefe Oneshots at this point.

Sophie sighed happily, leaning against Keefe's chest. They were sitting together on her couch, watching a human movie Sophie had smuggled from the Forbidden Cities- along with a couple of human outfits, including an oversized sweatshirt and shorts, which she was wearing now. One of Keefe's arms was around her, and the other was holding up the screen. Dex had tweaked a computer to take the disk and play the movie, even as far away from wifi as Havenfield.

The movie was one of those Hallmark Christmas movies where the guy who broke the girl's heart moves back into the small town and proposes to her. Completely unrealistic and predictable, but cute. Keefe had never seen anything like it though, so he was pretty intrigued.

"I think I like humans a little more if they make this kind of thing. It's like you're watching someone else's life!"

Sophie laughed softly. It was adorable how much he liked the cheesy movie. She had explained Christmas to him a while ago, but she didn't think he really got it.

He poked her. "Maybe you grew up with this, but I didn't. And you gotta admit, it's pretty cool."

She nodded and snuggled closer to him. He tightened his arm around her in a short but loving hug before turning his attention back to the movie.

They finally got to the part where the girl realizes she still likes him and they stare at each other cheesily for a little while before he kisses her. Sophie found it surprisingly hard to look away from, considering the exact same scene was in a thousand other movies.

But when she did look up, Keefe wasn't staring at the screen like she thought he would be. Instead, he was staring at her with pretty much the same expression the actors had in the movie. Sophie laughed. "You look ridiculous."

"And you look adorable."

Sophie's mouth fell open a little as she turned bright red. She still hadn't gotten used to Keefe saying things like that- which he did a lot. Before she could fumble for a response, he leaned in and kissed her.

When he kissed her, Sophie never felt awkward or different or weird. She felt warm and happy and perfect- and it was pretty much impossible to worry during a kiss. So she kissed him back, leaning in and forgetting about the movie entirely.

It was only when the girl's friend walked in on the actors kissing and shrieked that Sophie and Keefe broke away. Sophie poked him. "You made us miss part of the movie."

"Rather kiss you than watch someone else kiss any day."

She flushed again, wishing she could stay as cool as Keefe. "You're so cheesy."

"Hey, it works." He smirked and kissed her again.

"It does indeed," she whispered when he pulled away.

They kissed once more before turning their attention to the movie. Sophie's mind wandered, thinking about how fast things had changed in the past several months. They had had disturbing silence from the Neverseen, but were keeping their guard up for the attack they knew would come eventually. Keefe still hadn't manifested his new ability. They figured Lady Gisela would have some way to trigger it or show him how to use it next time they met. Or maybe it hadn't worked. Either way, they generally avoided the subject.

On a more personal note, the twins had started attending Foxfire full-time when Magnate Leto arranged a permanent connection between the school and Exillium. Linh was excelling in her Hydrokinesis classes, well on her way to becoming one of the most powerful Hydrokinetics ever- and Tam was doing the same as a Shade.

Sophie was so lost in thought that she didn't notice the movie was over until Keefe poked her. "Earth to Foster? I asked if you have any more of those."

Sophie smiled. "No, but I might be able to get some if you want."

"Duh! That was awesome."

"If you like that, I wonder what you'd think about Star Wars," Sophie mused.

"No clue what that is, but it sounds awesome. You need to get me Star Wars!"

"Maybe." Sophie was trying to think about when she could sneak away again when Keefe leaned in and pressed his lips to his. She pulled back, surprised, then laughed and kissed him back. When she pulled away, she gave him a questioning look. "What was that for?"

He shrugged. "You looked cute."

She leaned her head back on his shoulder to hide her blush. She felt his heart beating its steady rhythm and wished this moment could never end.

The next thing she knew, it was dark outside and Keefe's head was leaned back against the couch, eyes closed and snoring softly. She smiled and shifted a little to lean back against him. He stirred and began to lightly stroke her hair.

"You awake?" She didn't answer, so he just kept playing with her hair. "You don't believe me when I tell you that you look cute. But you do. You always look cute. You think you need makeup and fancy dresses? I think they make you look fake. Pretty, sure. But not you. This is you. Bedhead and your adorable human clothes. I still can't believe you're here with me. I have to pinch myself every day when I get scared it was all a dream. I know I don't deserve you, but I will keep trying for the rest of my life."

Sophie's lips curved into a smile without her permission. Luckily, her face was turned away from Keefe. This was why she pretended to be asleep. Maybe it wasn't quite right, but he never had the nerve to say these things when she was awake.

But then she started to feel bad about technically lying, so she stirred and yawned, opening her eyes and blinking at him- still smiling.

But his eyes were twinkling. "You do realize you still have emotions when you're asleep, right? I know you heard every word of that."

Sophie flushed bright red. "But you said it anyway?"

"It's true. Why not say it to your face?"

Sophie pulled him down by his shirt collar into a kiss. He kissed her back, tangling his fingers in her hair- which was pretty messy. But Sophie didn't particularly care.

When Keefe pulled away, he grinned. "Plus, I figured it might earn me that."

She scowled to hide her grin and poked him. "That's manipulative."

"Nah, it's still true. Why is it bad if I knew you'd like it?"

She shook her head. "You are ridiculous."

"And you love me for it! Besides, why is it so wrong for me to want to kiss you? It's like you never kiss me anymore!"

Sophie couldn't help but snort a laugh. "You realize we kiss way more than any other couple I've ever seen, right? You are not being deprived."

He pouted.

She laughed again. "It's a good thing I like to kiss you. You're really very lucky."

He pulled her closer. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world, whether you kiss me once a minute or once a year."

At that moment, the door opened and Grady appeared. He glared at Keefe. "Time for you to go home, young man."

Keefe pouted. "But it's only-" he checked his watch. His eyebrows shot up. "Actually, it's nearly midnight."

"Yes, it is. Now goodnight."

Keefe kissed Sophie one last time before standing up and stretching. Just as he was leaving, he pointed at her. "You still owe me that Star Wars!"

She nodded, suppressing a smile. "I'll do the best I can."

He nodded solemnly and left, leaving Grady to shoot him one last glare and leave too. Sophie stood up, putting away the device and making plans to teleport to the Forbidden Cities.

Keeper of the Lost Cities OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now