The Pretty London Girl

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Here is some Tiana for -danceismylife-. 

A/N This is a Human AU. Biana is an ice-skater and Keefe is her partner. Linh works at the rink Biana and Keefe practices in. That's all you need to know for now.

Tam wasn't planning on staying the whole day at Linh's work. In fact, he was planning on leaving at 8:00 AM. But he didn't, because he met her.

The pretty London girl.

At least, her brother said they were from London. Plus, she had a cute little London accent. Now normally, Tam was able to deflect any sort of feminine attention, but there was something about this girl that made him want her attention. Made him want to stay at the ice rink all day. In fact, she made him want to go every day.

Tam sat behind the concessions counter next to Linh, although Linh said the concession stand normally wasn't busy on practice days unless a family member of the skaters wanted to buy something. Because the skaters were all on strict diets, only family members and people in the crowd bought stuff on competition days.

Tam watched Biana glide gracefully across the ice, turning and spinning intricately. Keefe lifted her up in the air a few times, which made Tam a little more jealous than he allowed himself to admit. Biana leaped up into Keefe's arms, and although the maneuver looked perfect to Tam, her coach yelled at her for 'not having her legs straight'. After a while, Fitz walked over.

"Hey, um, Linh?" He asked. Linh had talked about him a few times, so Tam assumed she and him knew each other. Linh looked up from restocking the soda cups.

"Oh, yeah, what's up?" She asked casually.

"Could I get a hot dog with mustard and cheese?" Fitz asked. "I wanna rub the cheese in Biana's face." Linh chuckled.

"Of course you do. I'll get right on that," She said, heading toward the croc-pot of hot dogs. Fitz turned back around to face his sister on the ice.

"She's so good," He said under his breath, barely loud enough for Tam to hear.

"She really is," Tam agreed, mesmerized by her smooth grace. Fitz turned back toward Tam.

"She's been training since she was five," He informed me. "And Keefe has been her partner for about two years, but he's been skating solo just as long as her."

"Why'd she move from solo to duo?" Tam asked.

"She accident two years ago," Fitz explained, eyes re-trained on his sister. "She was skating in Nationals when her 'best friend'," Fitz used finger air quotes for the words best friend, "Who was also skating in Nationals, got scared that Biana would beat her and threw off Biana's balance during a difficult turn by throwing a bucket of popcorn in front of her. She fell on the ice, and she hit it so hard that it shattered and cut her up. She's been scared to skate by herself ever since then." Fitz looked upset at the recollection of this memory. "Me and Keefe were so scared. I thought she might..." He trailed off. So that's how she got her scars.

"Who was her best friend? The one who threw her off of her balance," Tam asked.

"Maruca Endal. She still skates here, although she was disqualified from Nationals that year." Suddenly, Linh appeared next to Tam.

"Here's your hot dog," Linh said cheerily. Fitz looked at his hot dog then back up at Linh.

"There's no cheese, Linh," He said, grinning. "I specifically said that it was crucial to my plot to make Biana angry." Linh smiled.

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