Part 1

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I always knew I was adopted. My parents never wanted to keep that from me. They told me daily young too. Like when I was four or five. They used to tell me my birth parents were some sort of gods who couldn't take care of me and the world, so they dropped me off at their doorstep to care for me. Obviously I'm almost 16 years old and I understand what really happened.

I always wondered what my birth parents were like. I wondered if they liked the same music snd T.V. shows as me. I wondered if they were smart. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty smart. I wondered what their jobs were. I was hoping they were doctors because I really wanted to be one. Specifically a pediatric doctor of some sort. I always wanted to meet them, but my adoptive parents said I couldn't because they didn't want to ever see me. I found that so hard to believe. I never really pushed them to let me at least look them up because a part of me was afraid my birth parents were drug addicts or abusers or in jail. Little did I know soon all my questions would be answered.

Both of my parents tragically died in March of 2020. They were in a car accident on the way to the hospital because my mom was really sick. I was in the car with them. I was the only survivor. I hurried my parents just 6 days before our president called a national emergency due to COVID-19. I moved in  with my aunt in Pennsylvania. My parents were not very close with her, but she was the only family I really had. My mom was an only child and her parents where dead, my dad just had a sister and his parents were dead too.

My aunt  treated me like garbage and I couldn't take her cruelness much longer. That is when I decided to find out who my birth parents were. Even if they didn't want me, by letting them get to know me maybe we could be friends and they could stick up for me when my aunt was being a jerk. I tried looking through old boxes to find anything that could be apart of my past. Then I found it. Inside a box labeled "Ally's Baby Stuff". There was the hat they doctors gave me when I was born and my hospital bracelet. There was also a picture of my parents holding me and getting me ready to be taken home. Then I saw it. It was my birth certificate. I hesitated at first. I was scared to see who my parents were. I opened it slowly and saw the name. It read Ally Marie Montgomery. After reading my name, I went to see who my father was, but it was left blank. There was no name. Then I looked to see who my mother was and it read: Addison Forbes Montgomery. I smiled. She sounded really nice and successful.

I grabbed my computer and did a search or Addison Montgomery. Many people popped up so I decided to do a more specific search. I searched Addison Forbes Montgomery this time. Sure enough someone popped up, but this time it was only one person. She was a beautiful woman with brown-red hair. I clicked on a website that had her name on it. The link took me to a website for a doctors group. I was pleased to see my birth mom was a doctor. I went to the about section of the website and saw a list of all the doctors. I found my mom and underneath her name was a phone number. I decided to call it.

I picked up the phone and a woman, who I'm assuming was my mother picked up.

"Hi this is Dr. Montgomery how can I help you?"

I immediately hung up. It was her defiantly. She sounded just like me and she looked just like me. A smile appeared on my face. I found my birth mother and I was going to go see her.

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go check out my other book: Dear Derek

have a nice day everyone!! love all yours support!!

~ jules :)

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