Part 2

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For the next few weeks I kept an eye on the news. I was not old enough to drive, so my only way to get to Addison was by bus or plane. I wasn't really in the mood to drive cross country on a bus, so plane was my first option. With the Corona Virus spreading so much, airports were shutting down and people were limiting their exposure.

I waited almost a month, but finally things started to slowly open up. It was May now and school was almost over. When I heard our local airport was doing minimum departures, I immediately got on my computer to see if L.A. was apart of it. Sure enough L.A. was one of the few destinations American Airlines was flying to. I needed to buy a ticket and leave. I had no credit card or money for that matter, so I had to use my aunt's.

I waited til she was fast asleep and I made my move. I rummaged through her purse until i found the card. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of it, then put it back where I found it. I purchased a one way ticket to L.A. leaving in about 2 weeks. That was right when school ended. I needed a plan so my aunt wouldn't be so worried about me while I was gone for so long, but I figured I had 2 weeks to figure out a plan. I went to sleep smiling for once. I was finally going to get the truth about my life and the people I came from.

2 weeks came quicker than expected. I had finally got a whole plan figured out. My best friend and her family were traveling across the world for the summer and I told my aunt they invited me. I knew this wasn't going to be a problem at all because my ain't hated me and always wanted me gone. The day before I left I picked up a few things. I picked up some cash from the bank account my parents had left me, I got some pepper spray because a girl always has to be prepared, and I printed out the address for the practice my mother worked at. I packed my bags and was ready to leave first thing in the morning.

When morning came, I headed over to my friends house. Her family was leaving the same day as me for their trip, so they decided to drop me off at the airport. We arrived at the airport and I stood outside the exit. The last time I had been on a plane was when my parents died and I came home with my aunt. Tears filled my eyes, but I quickly wiped them away. I put on my mask, grabbed my bags, and headed off into the big airport. I waved goodbye to my friend and her family and they wished me a safe trip. I walked around trying to find baggage claim. When I found it, I stood in line. I pulled out my phone and looked at the article posted about Addison. She was such a successful person and she was everything I aspired to be. I got up to baggage claim snd they check my bags. Good thing I looked older and no one questioned my age because that was not something I wanted to deal with right now. I tried to navigate to my gate as quickly as possible. B-23, that was the number. When I found my gate I sat down and waited for boarding.

After about 2 hours of waiting, it was time to board. I grabbed my backpack and carry on and headed to the huge line forming. Even with Covid there were still many people flying out to L.A. I sat down on the plane and pulled out my phone one last time before take off. I looked again at the article and whispered, "Soon I'll see you."

I shut my eyes and slept for the whole flight.

I woke up to the captains voice telling us to fasten our seatbelts because we were landing soon. I stretched a little bit and looked out the window. L.A. looked so tiny from up in the clouds and I found it amusing. We landed in L.A. at around 3:30 pm. I grabbed my luggage and headed out into the big city.

L.A. was definitely much different than Pennsylvania. It was louder, bigger, more populated. It was so weird being in a big city as a little girl. I walked around for a bit until I realized lugging around heaving suitcases was not ideal. I decided to get a cab. When I found one, I hopped in the back and told the guy the address I needed to go to. He nodded and we headed out. It took about 30 mins to get to the destination. The guy unloaded my bags and I paid him. He drove away into the busy streets.

I looked in front of me. There it was. Seaside Wellness. My stomach had butterflies. This was really happening. I smiled so big and my heart began to race. I grabbed my bags and headed inside. In the lobby there was a floor plan of the building laid out on a bulletin board. I searched and found Addison's name. She was in the 5th floor. I headed into the elevator and hit 5. The elevator moved up. 2...3...4...5! The doors opened and I was immediately exposed to the smell of coffee and a hint of... hmm... maybe orange. The practice was filled with patients each taking proper safety precautions. I walked over the the front desk. A blond woman was sitting searching through files.

"Hi...umm excuse me. Do you work here?" I asked.

"Of course I do. Trust me, I wouldn't be searching through all these damn files if I didn't work here." she laughed.

She had a southern accent. I was think Alabama. I smiled. "By any chance is Dr. Montgomery here today?"

"Why yes she is. Do you have an appointment?" the lady said reaching over to the computer to check appointments I was assuming.

"Oh no I don't have an appointment." I smiled.

"I'm really sorry kid but due to Covid, any patients without an appointment must be asked to leave and schedule." she replied.

"Look. I flew half way across the county today to see Dr. Montgomery. If I could just see her for 5, 10 minutes tops, I will be on my way and never bother your lovely practice again."

She looked at me straight in the eye. I was getting the feeling her death stare was supposed to scare me away, but it wasn't. "I like you." she began, "And I never do favors but for some reason here we are."

She got up from her seat and headed into the hall where I was assuming all the exam rooms were. About 5 minutes later she came back with no one. "She's in her office and said she will see you." the woman smiled, leading me to her office.

She pointed to which office was hers and I thanked her for all her help. I stools outside the door. The blinds were shut by the big window outside her office. I could barley make out the name that was taped to the window. It said: Dr. Addison Forbes Montgomery. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I walked inside. Addison was staring at her computer as she spoke to me. "Okay take a seat. Im actually getting ready to leave so can u make this quick?"

"Yea sure I'm sorry." I replied.

Suddenly she stopped what she was doing and her face went blank. She slowly turned her head toward me an gasped. "Hey Dr. Montgomery are you okay?" I asked.

"Your...Your sounds...just like mine. Who...Who are you?" she stuttered.

I stood up and looked her right in the eyes. "My name is Ally Davidson. But you probably know me as Allison Marie  Montgomery. I'm your daughter and I came across the country to find you."

| hey guys thanks for reding! go check out my socials if u want ⤵️ |

tik tok: simply.montgomery (yes i changed my user)
twitter: dunkineditbabes
insta: dunkinedit_babes (main) & sheps.montgomery (strictly greys)

go check out my other story: Dear Derek

i love each and every one of u and i thank you all for the support! i started writing this story to see what u guys would think! a lot of u like it which is great. currently i'm trying to finish dear derek before i start writing full time for this one. u might get a few parts here or there but if i do not update very often just know i'm not going to stop writing it!

~ jules :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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