Pranking the gang leader

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Hey guys. Thank you for choosing to read my book. I will try to post every Tuesday and Saturday. I do have school work so I can't make promises but I will try my best. In the picture above is how I will be basing the characters of my story but feel free to imagine your own. This is also my first book I have ever wrote so it wont be too great but hopefully the more I write, the better it will get. Anyways, hope you enjoy and let me know what you think.

Kat's pov.
Summer break was amazing. I spent most of it pranking my best friend Layla and a few people from school. My parents were a no show for the whole thing but that's fine because it meant I could do whatever I wanted in cluding get drunk out of my mind with out any consequences. Of course with Layla who spent most of the break with me, either shopping or having sleepovers. Unfortunatley, that all came to an end thanks to my alarm clock waking me up at seven in the morning for hell.

Why so early?!

I get up,brush my teeth and go on my morning run. Once I get home, I take a shower in my en suite and lay out my outfit for the day. My parents are pretty loaded so we live in a huge mansion and I have the best room ever but I don't boast about it. Layla is pretty cool like that, too. Her mother is the CEO of their own company. They also have a pretty huge mansion but most of the rooms are spare because, like me, she doesn't have any siblings. I slipped on my black skinny jeans with rips in the knees and thighs. I put these oveer the top of some fishnet tights. I chose a short black belly top and topped it all off with a blue denim jacket. I paired my outfit with a pair of doc martins to top it all off. It was very me and gave me a hard edge.

I get into my white Audi A3 and went to pick up Layla. She only lived a few blocks away from me but I have always picked her up for school. She comes out smiling and cheerful for no reasons I could understand. It should be the law to not smile on a school morning. It's just wrong. She was wearing black leggings, a white crop top and a chuncky pink cardigan along with some white air force ones. Even her outfit  looked happy. Here's the thing with me and Layla, we are polar opposites. There isn't much similar between us. But, as they say, opposites attract and that is definitley the case with me and Layla. We have known eachother since we were three years old and haven't went a day without seeing eachother ever since.

She prctically skipped to the car before jumping in. I just stared at her as if she was crazy.

She half shouted, half laughed, "What?!"

"How can anybody be even the slightest bit happy on the first day back to school?"

"Because we, my friend, are going to rock senior year."

She wasn't telling me something. I could tell by the way she was giggling.

"What aren't you telling me?" I accused.

"Well there are only three people you still need to prank and i have something perfect for two of them."

That's my girl.

"So, what might these devious deeds of yours be?" I ask, intrigued.

"For Carter and Alec, I was thinking we cover their cars in sticky notes." She started to giggle again. My face grew into an evil grin when I thought of a prank for the last one.

"We should spray paint Reece's motorcycle pink and then sprinkle glitter over it." Now things are getting good. She just laughs even harder, telling me she fully agrees. This is going to be so good.

We drive to school, laughing and giggling at our mischevious plans for today. They are going to be livid but I don't care, this is going to be so good. We decided to leave at our first break and get the supplies and skip literature and maths after to give us enough time to set up the pranks.

When we arrived at school we saw two cars pull in and girls started swarming the doors of the car, screaming. I knew exactly who it was in the cars. It was stupid how girls throw themselves at their feet like that, they are just humiliating themselves. It made them look like lost puppies. They finally managed to push their way out of their cars through the crowd of girls blocking every inch of space around them. There they were, Carter Brown and Alec Flynn. The screams got louder and a few people even fainted. I rolled my eyes and got out the car.

I started to wander where the biggest ass of them all was but just as that thought entered my mind, there he was, none other than Reece Black. The crowd rushed towards the motorcycle that just came in the gates. It annoyed me that everybody would play into their hands just like that. They were players and heart breakers. Once they slep with you for the night, they would chuck you to the side like you were nothing but another name on their long list of people who they screwed over.

Layla walked over to my side of the car and we decided to go in whilst the hall were empty. We make out way to our lockers which were next to eachother. We grab our necessary books for our first two lessons and start to walk off. Luckily we both have the same classes to this morning wont be too bad. You better watch your backs boys. I smile and make my way to my first lesson with Layla.

It is finally time! It wasn't so bad but I was looking forward to these pranks so much that it seemed like a milenium before the bell rang. We grabbed our bags and ran out of class.

After going to walmart which was only ten minutes down the road, we wait for everybody to go back to class and start working. This is going to be amazing! We start on Alec and Carter's cars first, saving the best till last. Layla covered Alec's car and I did Carter's. We made a rainbow of sticky notes on the whole car so you can't see any without a rainbow on it. It looks amazing!

"Personally, I think it's an upgrade." Layla sniggers.

"Definitley." I respond, bursting out laughing. "Time for some real fun." I laugh, looking at Reece's motorbike. Layla simply nods in response.

We walk over to Reece's motorbike and start to spray pink paint all over it. After the whole, origionally black, bike is covered, we chuck bottles of glitter all over it and top it off with a pink fluffy bunny. It's only spray chalk though, how evil do you think I am?

After we finish we hide in the bushes, ready to capure their reactions which will be pricless. About a minute after we take our hiding places, they bell sounds. Right on cue is Carter and Alec. They were shocked for a second then livid.

"Who the fuck did this to my car?!" Carter yelled.

"They are so dead!" Alec shouted.

Whilst they were busy having a meltdown because of their precious cars, Reece walked out. To say he was mad would be an understatment.

"What the fuck?!" He screamed.

People crowded around, laughing and taking photos. Me and Layla bust out laughing. Their reactions were pricless. They must have heared us because they made Reece made his way to us, face full of pure rage. The others stayed behind, trying to get rid of the stickey notes.

That's my cue.

I give my car keys to Layla. "Go and start my car and lock the doors and if I don't see you again, farewell." With that, I bolted off in the direction of the school enterance.

Reece was right on my heels. I could hear him screaming profanticies behind me but I focused my attention on getting the hell away. I had no idea where I was going, just running.

Run. Run. Run.

"Get back here right now, Katrina!" I hear Reece scream from behind me. I am starting to lose him as I see the fire exit which leads to the bleachers just ahead of me. I was just about to run out of the door when the devil himself ran around the corner.

"You are going to pay for that fucking prank you pulled!"

His voice was getting closer so I needed to get away right now because if the rumors are true, I don't know wether I'll live to see tomorrow.

I am really sorry this isn't the best book ever but I promise it will get better as I get used to it. I will see you soon on the next chapter! Please let me know what you think of it so far aswel so I can make some progress!
Love you guys, bye!

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