Luna x Subaru

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For those who's new to the rabbit hole and wants to sub to them, I'll add their YouTube channels.

In my opinion, it's not as strong as Matsuri x Luna(aka Festivaluna) because Matsuri and Luna's bond is stronger than her's and Subaru's. Like, I think that they're just good friends unlike Matsuri and Luna's. Matsuri literally tried to friend-zone Luna because she's afraid of actually falling in love with her. This is what made me favor Festivaluna more than Subaluna. Matsuri and Luna has actually discussed their relationship(on stream), and they decided that it's better off for them to stay as best-friends because Matsuri's afraid of screwing their relationship up. Luna also agreed and although they're still best-friends, on multiple occasions Matsuri demonstrated her love for Luna(such as paying for their meals together, taking care of Luna, etc). Subaluna became popular pretty recently(maybe 4-5 months?) unlike Festivaluna, which has been popular since pretty much the beginning. I don't think that Subaru would do all of that(I mean paying for her and Luna's meal multiple times without Luna paying at least once or twice).


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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