Chapter 2

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I was about to ask why but Daniel spoke up before me. "What's going on", he asked politely, an edge to his voice barely audible to anyone who didn't know him. "Say a word or make one wrong move and everyone in this plane is in trouble", the man whispered, now kneeling at our sides. There was no where to go. Daniel's arm instinctively wrapped around me in a protective posture. "I will make a scene if you don't leave her alone", Daniel murmured to the man, his polite and composed voice now vanished. I squeezed his arm in an effort to get him to stop talking.

   "I'm not going to hurt your little girl", the man said, annoyance prickling his tone. "Everyone on this plane is probably going to be dead soon, so if you guys want an ally, then here", he slipped something into my hand, and left. Upon farther appearance it seemed like some kind of device. I handed it to Daniel and he furrowed his brows. "No idea", he whispered. "Should we trash it?", I asked. No answer. I gazed up into his bright big eyes, to no avail. His walls were put up but I could tell he was just as terrified as I was.

"He's mental", Daniel reassured. "I don't know if I want a mental person flying our jet with us in it, to an island", I retorted, a fear now creeping into my voice. I could tell Daniel didn't know what to say. I felt sure we were overreacting and knew that there had to be a logical explanation for all this.

Suddenly, the pilot's voice came overhead. Everyone perked up and listened. "There will be some turbulence, and if worse comes to worse, we will make a pit stop", the pilot's voice was a monotone of what I remembered hearing before. Daniel ran his hand through my long brown hair and strained to listen too, over the roaring jets. "Just sit back and relax, things are going to be different now", the pilots voice came, filled with something of which I couldn't pin-point.

Daniel and I looked at each other. Sam and Rob looked over at us too, worry and confusion lacing their faces along with everyone else's . Maybe they knew the pilot had said something to us. As we looked back at Sam and Rob, Daniel murmured into my ear, his hot breath and scent of pine and the outdoors filling my lungs, calming me. He had that type of effect on people. "It's going to be alright Lily. Don't worry the others. We have no idea if there's cameras, or even if we're in danger", he whispered. My response consisted of a squeeze of his hand. My fingers were trembling and I hoped he didn't notice. I'm sure he did. He took my hand in his, in the way he'd done since first grade when I was anxious, and just stayed there. My arm still throbbed from when the man grabbed me, but I was too tired to notice. Slowly, my limbs turned to jelly. Then everything went black.

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