Chapter 5

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Flare groaned, rubbing her eyes blearily as she stared blankly at her computer screen. Lines of long code stretched along it and on a couple monitors were the news stations that were rambling about random political nonsense. Empty mugs lay scattered across her desk space. Stains littered across pages from liquid Flare hadn't bothered to clean up.

A small notification popped up on her screen as she clicked on it, a small dragon imprint on the top corner of the notification. "I was wondering when you'd reach out you little fucker." Flare murmured shifting forwards in her seat a small grin forming on her face. Clicking on the notification it opened into a chat room.

What's up?


Of course. What do you have?

The lines of code stretched across the screen as Flare's face turned into a frown as she kept reading the messages.

Traitor. Traitor to us.

To us?

Yeah. They are digging a tad bit too deep into things they shouldn't be.


The little squishy bean.

That's what you are calling her?

Why not. She's going to be gone soon anyways. Shouldn't matter what we call her.

Flare's eyes flashed as she continued to typing, furious clicks came from the keyboard. Her blonde hair hung in front of her face as she tuned out everything except the messages. She tugged lightly on her hoodie waiting for the person's responses.

And your positive? It's her?

Have I ever been wrong?


Well this time I'm not. Ohohohoho. Don't tell me you got attached.

You know I don't get attached- at least not after her.

Hmmm- I know. I wonder if she's still alive.

I better not have gone through all of that to keep her alive and now she's fucking dead.

Let's hope so. Anyways are you going to squish the bean?

They trust me- they'll listen I just need to frame her somehow.

Good thing you're a fucking mastermind.

Hm, thanks for that.

Don't thank me. Not in this world. I'm out.

The chat screen clicked off silently, Flare went about removing any trace that the other person had been there. Not that too many of the gang were able to hack and code at any rate. It was more to reassure herself that she was safe.

She had to be safe.

She had to be.



She wasn't really sure how much time passed when a small touch on her shoulder jolted Flare out of her hazy stupor. She blinked a few times, taking a moment to regain her bearings. Looking up, she saw Alice staring at her concerned. "Hey you okay?" Her brown hair was pulled back in a braid, a small blue scrunchie holding it together.

Flare swallowed harshly, her fingers slowly began to fiddle around with a ring on her right hand. "Uhm." She barely croaked out. "You might want to see this." Clicking a couple times the girl was able to pull up an article. Alice skimmed over the first couple sentences before her face hardened.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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