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Diana sat in her seat with an air of expectancy. Charms Class was her first subject and so does Draco, with her forearms rested on the table, she took one hand and tapped it across her jawline ― hoping that her statement yesterday would threw Draco off and had him attend classes.

Diana just needs for his possessiveness to kick in. It was ten minutes before class starts and the room was almost filled with students. She glanced around yet she saw no platinum blonde hair anywhere causing her to sigh and gaze straight at the white board in front of her.

Maybe it didn't work. Maybe Draco doesn't care anymore if anyone flirts with her.

Just then on the corner of her eyes, she saw that hufflepuff boy that's been hitting on her, he kept on staring at her and Diana hoped he won't go to her. Please don't go here she prayed to Merlin.

But just then, he stood from his seat and strode towards her, Diana cursed profanities under breath. Nevertheless, she put up a fake smile and glance at him the moment he stood in front of her from across her desk.

“Hi Diana” he greeted purely, brown doe eyes striking through hers with a smile grinning from ear to ear.

Diana tucked in a few strands of hair behind her ear then greeted back “Hi Hopkins”

He bent down and leaned towards her ear “You look beautiful today” then pulled away, a beaming glint flash through his eyes.

Diana rubbed the side of her neck and giggled uncomfortably before licking her lips and respond “Thanks Hopkins I appreciate the compliment”

“Say ah - Hogsmeade Trip is nearing and I wonder if you want to go grab some butterbeer, that is if you fancy going with me” He slid his hands inside the pocket of his pants.

Diana glanced around, really wishing that Draco or Clarette was around to save her, Alas, they're out of sight.

She gulped and cleared her throat then shot him an apologetic look “Look Hopkins I―”

“You can call me Wayne”

Diana laughed even more nervously and interlaced her fingers on top of the table while looking up at him with uneasiness “Wayne” she enunciated, bobbing her head to the side then biting her bottom lip.

“I have a boyfriend” Hesitantly she explain “And I don't think he would like the idea of me drinking butterbeer with you during Hogsmeade Trip”

However Wayne doesn't seem bothered by that fact at all instead he smirked, a mischievous smirk even. “Boyfriend? I didn't know you have a boyfriend”

“He has been skipping classes that's why―”

“I always see you roam around the castle all alone or atleast with those two blonde friend of yours, what's their name again?” he pondered before making a clicking sound with his tongue “Ah was it Amadora - Clarette Amadora and Looney Lovegood?”

Diana fists curled up and her nails digged in her skin by the Hufflepuff boys' statement “It's Luna Lovegood, correct yourself, Hopkins” She condemned and enunciated every words.

She won't let anyone call Luna like that, she was her baby and she will petrify anyone if she hears that name one more time.

The brunnete boy became flustered and stammered “Oh - yes sorry, Luna Lovegood. Merlin where's my manners?” He chuckled timorously.

“Who's your boyfriend by the way?” He asked afterwards.

“It's Draco Ma―”

“Fuck off Hopkins before I fucking break your neck” Diana whip her head around and to her surprise Draco was standing just a few meters from behind her.

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