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A/N: This chapter is nothing but sweetness, if you're not a big fan of affection or Soft Draco - you've every right not to read it.


Diana had never clung unto anyone's neck this tight, it was as though Draco's neck was her life support, she's holding onto him like a rare piece of gem she found at a very rural and remote place. He was still carrying her in bridal style when they apparated back, silver grey eyes never left her wavering blue ones.

He had intentionally brought them back to their bedroom, instead of to their living room. Because he wants time alone with her, he wants to be alone, just him, and her, and their baby. Just the three of them, without anyone else in the picture.

Without anyone at all.

Diana instantly inhaled the familiar scent and warmth of the room, it had hit her ― it was Home, and she bursted out in tears in his arms. Draco's eyes widen and instantly he sat down on the edge of the bed, with her on his lap, crying in his shoulder. He made her straddle on top of him, while she buried her face in the apex of his shouder, arms loosely around his neck, she was crying.

“Darling ― Diana, please” Draco doesn't even know what he's pleading for, perhaps for her to stop crying or perhaps for her to forgive him. He rubs her back, running his left palm up and down, soothing her. Relieving the agonizing pain she's feeling.

“Five Days” her voice breaking above a whisper, she mumbled it below his ear, and Draco immediately knew what she meant. It's been five days she hasn't enter the room, because he won't let her. He can fathom just how much she probably died to go inside here, how much she dread the moment to finally sleep here to help with her haunting nightmares.

He can feel the warm tears in his coat, drenching the expensive fabric. However it's the last of his worries right now, his adams apple bobbed, hearing her silent cries and sobs. He really did broke her, even he himself can't believe it, he had hurt his own solace.

“No matter how many times I apologize, I know it won't lessen the pain but I am so sorry darling. I truly am, you can do anything to me” he reassured, and finally Diana jolted her head from his shoulder then looked at him dead in the eyes.

Confusion swirled around her iris, and she look like she's holding something back, there was a tiny malice in her demure and broken face.

Draco smile faintly, desperately attempting to gain her trust again “You can hex me ― kiss me, slap me, punch me, put me behind bars, hurt me with anyway you want but... Just don't leave me, just don't kill yourself”

He practically begged, and he may seem like a fool but if begging is the only way for her to stay with him ― then he'll beg for the rest of his life.

Diana took her hand, and then with every bit of strength she has, she smack him across the cheek, emitting a skin slapping noise, it was hard, loud and strong causing Draco's mouth to gape open.

Diana sucked in a breath before covering her mouth with her hands from shock, Draco's face turned to the side ― a prominent red mark from her palm covered his cheek, he was shock, just as she was. For a moment she thought he will go mad, go insane and perhaps wreak havoc between them however, Draco stared at her with lovingness, and acceptance is smeared across his face.

His silver grey eyes are twinkling, Diana gulped, she can't believe she had the guts to actually do that, moreover she felt no regrets, she wants to slap him out of his wrongdoings. Her hands slowly drop from her face and made it's way towards his neck, wrapping it around him as a sign of apologizing.

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