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" Nice trio huh " Said Professor Harry Potter Billie , George and Seirra were shocked to Professor Harry Potter in front of them it was the same day Albus Severus Potter his son left for Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry with him were Professor Ronanld Weasley Hermione Weasley and Ginny Potter they were in couples as they were married and where now Professor at the same Hogwarts university "am I dreaming or that it's actually Harry Potter " said Billie " * chuckles * well I believe you're not dreaming well we must get seated or else the train will just leave us at the station " said Professor Ronald Weasley they sat in there seats and started giving there introduction Ron was the Professor of magic creating and Hermione was the Professor of charms and spell making and Ginny was the Professor of cooking spells and harry was the Professor potions they were really great Professor of the Hogwarts university " so Mr. Nether Smith and Mr. Lavaingot mabye your interested in sports so what have you decided to play " said Professor Hermione " well billie doesn't play he hacks yeah but he does exercises his body well I play I play different types of games board , games field games , fly broom and video games too " said George " oh well what do you mean by hacks " said Professor Ginny
" Well he hack a computer I mean he can take the computer over his control with only a information , that's hacking " said George " oh my that's so amazing " said Professor Hermione Then they started talking about there friendship and made a great bonding too were Seirra bussy stareing at a tall tower from where hair was down the tower of Rapunzel from the diagon Alley " what happened Seirra why are you stareing at the Rapunzel tower of diagon alley " asked professor Hermione Sierra was silent then she talked about her night mare the dream about Professor Megorphy she had and at that moment only they arrived Hogwarts but when they all entered Hogwarts they saw nobody the hole place was silent but then a big beast came and jumped on Professor Harry Potter and bit his arm Ginny as being a careing wife ran over to Professor Harry but it was already too late he was turned into a humungous and mad beast too he was about to attack someone when Seirra came and put a spell on Professor Harry " bubble gum stick to the beasts we have and patronus protection for the humans here " said Seirra and harry and the other beast were tied to a wall by a sticky but unbreakable rope Seirra's heart was pounding she wasn't so brave to fight a beast but she did she remembered the blood shivering scream of Professor Megorphy and remembered That there was a beastly growl so she asked Professor Hermione " Professor Hermione is there a deep mysterious hole in campus somewhere " said Seirra  " well yes but the well of depth is too deep " said Professor Hermione Seirra remembered that Rapunzel drew a pattern on her ceiling so she asked professor Ronald Weasley to call Rapunzel here and also said that we shall do that near the well of depth  and everyone agreed they called Rapunzel there who had braided her hair into 4 thick braids yet she looked gorgeous and Seirra asked Rapunzel to let her hair down "what really um... I mean it's to long I took 4hrs to braid my hair and what if it get dirty I mean I am not going to break my back and shampoo it again and again " said Rapunzel " trust me Rapunzel it would be worth it" said Seirra Rapunzel did let her hair down then Seirra took it and threw it in the well " no no no .... You're so not going there alone " said Professor Ronald Weasley " well George and I are here we can handle it with her " said Billie " well unfortunately you guys are just babies let you hair down Rapunzel and I will be after Seirra " said Professor Ronald Weasley " well why after Seirra is this professor scared to be in front of  Seirra " said a student and Ron gave him a scary  look that the student who said that Ron is going chew him raw after this mystery is solved " don't worry I will go with you flying or crawling through the walls " a anonymous but beautiful brown girl

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