The totem of undeiying

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" don't worry I will go with you flying or crawling through the walls " ?????????
" Who r u " said Seirra
" I am princess Christina Alberto I am the Princess of the raven claw land which is India if you knew it "said Christina " what , are there lands for houses " said Seirra " yes there are the most talented and skilled chess magic players and singers , dancers and writter are from India and raven claw is the house of talent that's why the magic land of  the raven claw is India  even the founder was a Greek lady the goddess was an Indian who was a Christian " said Professor Ginny " wow I love magic " said Seirra " that's what harry said when he wasn't a beast well he was too young back then and it was the year when he freed voldemort by accidentally " said Professor Hermione " Must be more handsome than a beast back then too " said a female student  " hey stop beauty and the beast was a wonderful story "said Seirra " huh! Bookwarms " said another student the important people rolled there eyes and Rapunzel let her down the well Seirra , Professor Ronald Weasley and bellie and George glided through her hair to the bottom of the well then they stopped at a point and " there is lava down there how Will you go there " said George " it's alright I drunk a little bit potion of fire resistance and I believe you won't be harmed by the lava" said Seirra to  hawk Christina " yup  till I am a hawk and boys can you do a little bit mining here and throw some swords below " said the hawk Christina " yup no problem "said the boy's and started mining and bellow the lava Seirra and Christina were fighting mobs which were spawning from the monster spawner then Seirra took a break from fighting by hands and made a pickaxe and asked for a sword from above then  she gave the sword to Christina to tell her to keep fighting and she broke the monster spawner then the  monster spawner broke and Christina also killed every mob then they checked the chests Seirra found a book and quil 5 dungens of 64 totem of undeiying and dozens of golden enchanted apples with a lot of and nether swords in the other chest Christina found a lot of food and potions Seirra asked Rapunzel to pull both the chests up and so did happen after the boys were also done mining the girls where also done finding some clues they need to solve this mystery they all were pulled up by Rapunzel's hair will now they get all right but stay tuned to know it all

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