Caius reacting to his Human s/o being distant in the beginning.

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It's to be expected, he ripped you out of a comfortable life, Living with the Cullens, going to school, having a job and friendships to living with strangers who are known to be brutal and not as friendly as the Cullens.

He ordered for you to be locked in the bedroom, to keep you from trying to escape out of his grip and though he'll never admit it, he didn't want to risk you becoming a meal on accident. You haven't spoken a word to him since you've gotten here. One week ago. And Caius was never the patient type. The patience ended when you acted like he didn't exist at all.

"You're going to have to accept this one day. I know what you're trying to do" Caius declared from the door way. You had been sitting on the bed staring out the window. Refusing to answer a question. "Thinking that eventually I will grow tired of this silly game you're trying to play and let you return to your old life. Well You are sorely mistaken, as much as I am not impressed with this outcome of events and finding out you're a human, I am trying!" His sudden anger made you show the slightest flinch. He moved closer, positioning himself in front of your sitting form. Letting out a disappointed sigh and raising his right hand to rub his temple he gave you a glare. "You are my blood singer. I do care for you and I know you feel something as well. Just try a little. Please".

Caius spoke the truth. As much as you hated the situation, you did feel it. An irresistible pull towards him. And here he was showing you a vulnerable side be it the smallest amount. You looked up to meet his defeated face. "You're a bastard" you mumbled looking him in the eyes. A small smirk grew on his face "I am well aware, What do you want for dinner?" offering you a hand you took it. He gently pulled you up from the bed. It was a start he thought and though he won't admit it now, the feeling of your warm hand in his sent a foreign shock throughout his being. He was, looking forward to this.

A/N: Haven't written in a long time 😳So I'm sorry for the bad writing... wanted to write for twilight again, yay..

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