Helping reader after a rough day

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Y/n had been working all day, running here and over there trying to help the guards, Felix and Demetri thought their legs were going to fall off.
"Y/n could you deliver this to Jane? I would but dinner is about to arrive." Alec handed you some documents "Where is Jane?" He thought for a second "I think she is talking to our secretary, "Alright I will head over there now" He nodded and walked away, luckily Jane wasn't a mile away this time.
As you walked over to where the secretary was you didn't see Jane, only the secretary. "Excuse me? Has Jane been here? I have papers to give her" she only looked up and pointed to the stair case, great. "Thank you" after climbing the stairwell for what seemed like forever you were in the long hallway and found Jane walking in y/n's direction, "Y/n? Are you alright? I could hear your heart beating from here, You look tired also" Y/n held the papers toward her and responded "I am ok. I think I will go to the library and rest for awhile" Jane tilted her head "Shame. I needed you to do something for me" Y/n let out a long sigh "Of course what can I do for you?" Suddenly y/n felt a tight grip on their shoulder.
"Nothing, you need to rest dear" the voice was coming from Caius who looked a little worried. "Jane, you can surely do it yourself it won't kill you" Jane bowed and walked passed y/n and Caius leaving the two alone. "Y/n have you been doing this all day?" now in front of y/n his cold hands were on their cheeks looking deeply in their eyes.
"Yes, I have been very busy today" out of no where y/n was lifted from their feet and was being carried bridal style down the stairs "Caius what are you doing?" Y/n lightly chuckled with a small blush creeping up, "I'm going to run a bubble bath for you and while you are bathing I will go get some things for you" times like these y/n knew they were spoiled.
When Caius finished running the bath he offered to wash y/n's hair "I thought you was going to get me things" Caius smiled down at y/n "I already have them, After dinner Alec approached me saying you looked rough so I went and got sweets for you my sweet" after the bath he went out and waited while y/n got dressed.
A few minutes later y/n walked out in their pajamas and saw Caius holding a basket of sweets and some of their favorite movies "Caius you're the best" He sat down on the couch with pillows and a blanket and patted down next to him "Sit, you deserve a rest my love" the rest of the night was filled with cuddling and eating, y/n eventually passed out in Caius's arms, waking up with him holding them in bed.

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