Aftercare (after The Nasty) 😳

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Severus -

Severus doesn't know much about aftercare. He just sits and cuddles you with some wine. He kisses you gently and you talks about things to you. Usually you sit on his lap or you lie next to him, snuggling into his chest.

Hans -

Hans like Severus pours some wine and sits with you, either with TV on or not. If you watch the TV its some random German show which you don't really listen to, instead Hans strokes you gently and whispers things in your ear.

Christopher brandon -

He sits with you next to him and reads a book to you while stroking your hair. You just sit and listen to his gorgeous voice which rushes over you. You take it in turns to read to each other until you both finally fall asleep.

Sherrif of nottingham -

Like Severus snape he doesn't really know much about aftercare. He just lies there while you stroke his hair gently, enjoying the moment. He usually porus a glass of wine also and you drink it while playing with his hair gently.

Judge Turpin -

He is pretty good at aftercare. He pours wine and let's you sit on his lap or lie your head on it while he whispers things in your ear and kisses you gently. He knows how to make you feel relaxed and special (Maybe his manipulation talking but anyway). He sometimes reads to you and sometimes just sits and strokes you gently.

Im going to add Edd soon as he perfect

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